Two meetings on Friday, 24 March 2017

(a)the first two-hour meeting will start at 3:00 pm; and

(b)the second two-hour meeting will start at 5:10 pmLegend symbol denoting If the House Committee ("HC") needs to resume its meeting after the first Finance Committee ("FC") meeting, the second FC meeting will start immediately after the HC meeting has finished its business..

Three meetings on Saturday, 25 March 2017

(a)the first two-hour meeting will start at 8:30 am;

(b)the second two-hour meeting will start at 10:35 am; and

(c)the third two-hour meeting will start at 12:50 pm.

Pecuniary interest : Please refer to Rules 83A and 84 of the Rules of Procedure of the Legislative Council for rules regarding pecuniary interest to be disclosed and voting in case of direct pecuniary interest.

Item No.Subject
1.FCR(2016-17)82*Legend symbol denoting Items carried over from the meeting held on 18 March 2017. HEAD 156 – GOVERNMENT SECRETARIAT : EDUCATION BUREAU
Subhead 700 General non-recurrent
New Item "One-off grant to secondary schools for promotion of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics education"

(This item invites Members to approve the creation of a new commitment of $102.6 million for a one-off grant to secondary schools for the promotion of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics education.)

(In attendance : Under Secretary for Education/Deputy Secretary for Education/Principal Assistant Secretary for Education (Curriculum Development)/Principal Education Officer (Curriculum Development), Education Bureau)

(This item was discussed by the Panel on Education on 14 November 2016)

2.FCR(2016-17)83*Legend symbol denoting Items carried over from the meeting held on 18 March 2017. RECOMMENDATION OF THE PUBLIC WORKS SUBCOMMITTEE MADE ON 25 JANUARY 2017

(This item seeks approval of the recommendation of the Public Works Subcommittee made at its meeting held on 25 January 2017.)

PWSC(2016-17)38Site formation and infrastructure works for public housing developments at Chung Nga Road and Area 9, Tai Po

(In attendance : Chief Civil Engineer (Public Works Programme), Transport and Housing Bureau/Chief Architect, Housing Department/Chief Civil Engineer, Housing Department/Director of Civil Engineering and Development/Principal Project Coordinator (Housing Projects), Civil Engineering and Development Department)

(This item was discussed by the Panel on Housing on 5 December 2016 and supplementary information paper CB(1)336/16-17(01) has been provided by the Administration to the Panel)

(Letter from Hon CHU Hoi-dick, Dr Hon Fernando CHEUNG and Mr YAM Man-chuen to the Chairman of PWSC on 10 January 2017 (PWSC40/16-17(01) and reply from the Administration on 16 January 2017 (PWSC40/16-17(02))

(Letter from Hon CHU Hoi-dick to the Chairman of PWSC on 17 January 2017 (PWSC46/16-17(01) and reply from the Administration on 23 January 2017 (PWSC46/16-17(02))

(This item was discussed by the Public Works Subcommittee on 21 December 2016, 11, 17 and 25 January 2017 and supplementary information papers PWSC36/16-17(01), PWSC47/16-17(01), PWSC53/16-17(03) and PWSC80/16-17(01) have been provided by the Administration to the Subcommittee)


3.FCR(2016-17)84*Legend symbol denoting Items carried over from the meeting held on 18 March 2017. RECOMMENDATION OF THE ESTABLISHMENT SUBCOMMITTEE MADE ON 26 JANUARY 2017

(This item seeks approval of the recommendation of the Establishment Subcommittee made at its meeting held on 26 January 2017.)


(In attendance : Permanent Secretary for Development (Works)/Head of Energizing Kowloon East Office, Development Bureau/Deputy Head of Energizing Kowloon East Office, Development Bureau/Head (Kai Tak Office), Civil Engineering and Development Department)

(This item was discussed by the Panel on Development on 22 November 2016 and supplementary information paper CB(1)361/16-17(01) has been provided by the Administration to the Panel)

(This item was discussed by the Establishment Subcommittee on 18 and 26 January 2017 and supplementary information paper ESC43/16-17(01), ESC47/16-17(01) and ESC57/16-17(01) has been provided by the Administration to the Subcommittee)

Subhead 700 General non-recurrent
New Item "Provision of Special Helping Measures for the Six Major Outlying Island Ferry Routes"

(This item invites Members to approve a new commitment of $412,140,000 for the continued provision of special helping measures for the six major outlying island ferry routes in the next three-year licence period (i.e. from mid-2017 to mid-2020))

(In attendance : Permanent Secretary for Transport and Housing (Transport)/Deputy Secretary for Transport and Housing (Transport)/Commissioner for Transport/Assistant Commissioner for Transport (Management and Paratransit))

(This item was discussed by the Panel on Transport on 18 November 2016 and 2 December 2016 and supplementary information paper CB(4)405/16-17(01) has been provided by the Administration to the Panel)

Government Secretariat: Food and Health Bureau (Health Branch)
Subhead A074XV Development of A Territory-Wide Electronic Health Record Sharing System

(This item invites Members to approve an increase in the commitment for the Electronic Health Record Programme by $422,192,000 from $702,000,000 to $1,124,192,000 for implementing the second stage of the Programme.)

(In attendance : Under Secretary for Food and Health/Commissioner for the Electronic Health Record/Head (eHR)/Special Project Consultant, Food and Health Bureau/Chief Systems Manager, Hospital Authority)

(This item was discussed by the Panel on Health Services on 16 January 2017)

6.FCR(2016-17)85*Legend symbol denoting Items carried over from the meeting held on 18 March 2017. FINANCE COMMITTEE PROCEDURE, ESTABLISHMENT SUBCOMMITTEE PROCEDURE AND PUBLIC WORKS SUBCOMMITTEE PROCEDURE

(This item invites Members to consider the proposed amendments to the Finance Committee Procedure, Establishment Subcommittee Procedure and Public Works Subcommittee Procedure regarding the arrangements for the ringing of the division bell at meetings and meeting arrangements in case of adverse weather.)

* Items carried over from the meeting held on 18 March 2017.

≠ If the House Committee ("HC") needs to resume its meeting after the first Finance Committee ("FC") meeting, the second FC meeting will start immediately after the HC meeting has finished its business.
