Career opportunities

Interested applicants are requested to follow the application procedures as stated in the recruitment advertisements. Please click on the position advertised to view the relevant recruitment advertisement. For enquiries, please call (852) 3105 3159.

To apply for a job through the “Online Job Application System”:
  1. Select the job you wish to apply for, and click “Apply online”.
  2. You will be directed to the “Online Job Application System” where you need to fill out the application form online and upload electronic files such as a resume or cover letter.
  3. Fields marked with an asterisk (*) must be filled in. Failure to provide these required data may affect the processing and outcome of your application.
  4. Online job application session will be timed out after one hour of inactivity in the “Online Job Application System”. Please click “OK” to extend the time. If the application has not been saved before time out, the data cannot be stored and you need to fill the online form again.
  5. Please access the “Online Job Application System” by the latest version of website browser (Chrome, Firefox, Safari or Edge) and read “Points to note” in detail. In case you encounter technical problems when completing or submitting the form using the browser, please contact the Human Resources Office (Email:
  6. Late or incomplete applications will not be considered. To ensure timely submission of online applications, applicants are strongly advised to complete their online application as early as possible in order to avoid any last-minute rush of applications which may overload the online system.
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System requirements
Please follow the system requirements below to ensure the best result in processing your application:
  • Web Browser: The latest version of Chrome, Firefox, Safari or Edge.
Points to note
  • Information collected in the online form will be used for recruitment-related purposes. For details about the Legislative Council Secretariat's policies in relation to the handling of personal data, please click here.
  • Please note the following in completing an application form:
    • Fields marked with an asterisk (*) must be filled in. Your application will not be considered if you fail to provide all information requested in the recruitment advertisement.
    • You may click Save and continue later at any time in the application process to save the parts completed. This would allow you to continue with the application when you log in the system again. You will be requested to provide your email address in order to retrieve your saved application.
    • Click Preview to review your application. Click Return at the bottom of the page to go back to the form if you need to edit your application.
    • Click Submit when you are ready to submit your application. Once submitted, changes of the application can only be made by making a request to the Human Resources Office (Email:
  • Online job application session will be timed out after one-hour of inactivity in the Online Job Application System. If the application has not been saved before time-out, the data cannot be stored and you need to re-fill the application.
  • Please note that a saved application that is not submitted by the application closing date will not be considered and will be automatically removed from the System after the closing date.
  • Please follow the system requirements below to ensure the best result in processing your application:
    Web Browser: The latest version of Chrome, Firefox, Safari or Edge.

After submission of job application online
  • After successful submission of your application, an acknowledgement of your application will be displayed on screen. A system-generated acknowledgement email will also be sent to your registered email address for record purpose. If you have not received an acknowledgement email, please contact the Human Resources Office by email at
  • Request for access to or correction of personal data held by the Legislative Council Secretariat should be made in writing to Senior Council Secretary (Human Resources and Accounts) 3, Human Resources Office, Legislative Council Secretariat or by email at
  • The information you successfully submitted through the Online Job Application System will be kept in the System for 12 months after completion of the recruitment exercise.
  • Information on unsuccessful job applicants will normally be destroyed 12 months after completion of the recruitment exercise.
  • Applicants not invited for interview or written test within eight weeks from the closing date may assume their applications unsuccessful.
  • Please note that a saved application that is not submitted by the application closing date will not be considered and will be automatically removed from the System after the closing date.
Contact us
General enquiries: (852) 3105 3159
Enquiries on the Online Job Application System: (852) 3105 3160

General Notes on the Policy on Employment of Persons with Disabilities
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  • (a)
    As an Equal Opportunities Employer, The Legislative Council Commission is committed to eliminating discrimination in employment. The vacancies advertised are open to all applicants meeting the basic entry requirements irrespective of their disability.
  • (b)
    When recruiting staff to work in the Legislative Council Secretariat (“the Secretariat”), the Commission has a preferential appointment procedure for candidates with disabilities.
  • (c)
    Where a large number of candidates meet the specified entry requirements, the Secretariat may devise shortlisting criteria to select the better qualified candidates for further processing. In these circumstances, only shortlisted candidates will be invited to attend the written test/skill test/selection interview.
  • (d)
    It is the Secretariat's policy to place people with a disability in appropriate jobs wherever possible. If a disabled candidate meets the entry requirements, he/she will be invited to attend the written test/skill test/selection interview without being subject to further shortlisting.
  • (e)
    It is optional for an applicant to indicate whether he/she has a disability and its nature and to indicate whether he/she wishes to be considered under the preferential appointment procedure for persons with disabilities, in which case relevant information may be required as proof of the candidate's disabilities.
Legislative Council Secretariat Personal Data Policies
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Legislative Council Secretariat Handling of Employment Related Personal Data
Control of Personal Data
  • 1.
    Principal Council Secretary is designated as the Controlling Officer for employment-related Personal Data in the Legislative Council Secretariat, responsible for assessing, authorizing, monitoring and reviewing Personal Data protection measures to ensure compliance with the requirements of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance.
  • 2.
    Senior Council Secretary (Human Resources and Accounts) 3 is designated as the Data Privacy Officer, responsible for ensuring that the Secretariat's employment-related Personal Data protection measures are applied to the collection, handling, use, processing and disclosure of Personal Data and for ensuring that data access and data correction requests are processed in accordance with the requirements of the Ordinance.
Personal Data Policies
  • 3.
    The Secretariat is committed to ensuring that all Personal Data are handled in accordance with the provisions of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance. The Secretariat undertakes to:
    • (a)
      collect adequate, but not excessive, Personal Data by lawful and fair means only for lawful purposes related to the Secretariat's functions and activities;
    • (b)
      take all reasonably practicable steps to ensure that the personal data collected or retained are accurate, having regard to the purposes for which they are to be used;
    • (c)
      erase Personal Data which are no longer necessary for the purposes for which they are to be used;
    • (d)
      use the Personal Data collected only for purposes or directly related purposes for which the data were to be used at the time of collection, unless the individual concerned has given express consent for a change of use or such use is permitted by law;
    • (e)
      take all reasonably practicable steps to ensure that Personal Data are protected against unauthorized or accidental access, processing, erasure or other use; and
    • (f)
      permit persons to access and correct Personal Data of which they are the data subjects and process any such access/correction requests in a manner permitted or required by law.
Types and Purposes of Employment-Related Personal Data Held
  • 4.
    Types and purposes of employment-related Personal Data held by the Secretariat are:
    Data Subjects Types of Personal Data Held Purposes
    Applicants for posts in the Secretariat Recruitment and appointment data To facilitate assessment of suitability for recruitment or appointment to posts in the Secretariat.
    Serving officers and former employees Personal and family particulars, education, qualifications, employment history, salary and allowances, terms and conditions of service, medical records, leave, training, outside employment, appraisal reports, promotion board assessments, records of conduct and discipline. For employment-related purposes, including appointment, integrity checking, postings and transfers, offer/renewal/extension of agreement, incremental credit, training and career development, revision of terms or conditions of service, promotion, discipline, continuation in or removal from office and provision of testimonials.
Data Access/Correction Requests
  • 5.
    Requests for access to or correction of Personal Data held by the Secretariat may be made in writing to Senior Council Secretary (Human Resources and Accounts) 3 at Legislative Council Complex, 1 Legislative Council Road, Central, Hong Kong.
  • 6.
    A charge will be made to cover the cost of photocopying Personal Data supplied in response to a data access request.