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Legislative Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of The People's Republic of China
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Visit and educational activities (for schools)

Students will join a guided tour of the Legislative Council Complex to understand the facilities in the Complex, followed by tailored education activities.

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Hon Andrew LEUNG Kwan-yuen
Hon Judy CHAN Kapui
Hon CHAN Chun-ying
Hon Kingsley WONG Kwok
Hon Lillian KWOK Ling-lai
Hon CHAN Hok-fung
Hon LAM Chun-sing
Hon Duncan CHIU
Dr Hon CHOW Man-kong
Hon Doreen KONG Yuk-foon
Hon Vincent CHENG Wing-shun
Dr Hon Hoey Simon LEE
Dr Hon Junius HO Kwan-yiu
Hon YUNG Hoi-yan
Hon TANG Fei
Dr Hon Wendy HONG Wen
Hon CHAN Han-pan
Hon Elizabeth QUAT
Hon Stanley LI Sai-wing
Hon Dennis LEUNG Tsz-wing
Hon Michael TIEN Puk-sun
Hon LEUNG Man-kwong
Revd Canon Hon Peter Douglas KOON Ho-ming
Hon Kenneth LAU Ip-keung
Dr Hon David LAM Tzit-yuen
Hon Edward LEUNG Hei
Hon CHAN Kin-por
Hon CHAN Hoi-yan
Hon Dominic LEE Tsz-king
Dr Hon TAN Yueheng
Hon Andrew LAM Siu-lo
Hon LAI Tung-kwok
Dr Hon NGAN Man-yu
Hon Jeffrey LAM Kin-fung
Hon Holden CHOW Ho-ding
Hon Benson LUK Hon-man
Hon Robert LEE Wai-wang
Hon Adrian Pedro HO King-hong
Prof Hon LAU Chi-pang
Hon Stanley NG Chau-pei
Ir Hon CHAN Siu-hung
Hon Edmund WONG Chun-sek
Prof Hon William WONG Kam-fai
Dr Hon TIK Chi-yuen
Hon Martin LIAO Cheung-kong
Hon CHAN Pui-leung
Hon Sunny TAN
Hon Carmen KAN Wai-mun
Hon YIM Kong
Hon LAM So-wai
Hon Kenneth FOK Kai-kong
Hon LAU Kwok-fan
Hon Kenneth LEUNG Yuk-wai
Hon Tony TSE Wai-chuen
Hon LAM San-keung

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