Enact laws
One of the Legislative Council’s main roles is to make and amend laws. The law-making process, also known as the three-reading procedure, provides stages of deliberations through which both the principles and details of the
proposed laws are thoroughly examined by Members.

Approve public expenditure
The Legislative Council looks closely at the Government’s tax and spending plans and tries to make sure that public money is being spent fairly and efficiently. The Government’s Budget is presented annually to the Council for
approval, and its other financial proposals are considered and approved by the Finance Committee.

Monitor the work of the Government
The Legislative Council provides checks and balances to the powers and functions of the Government. One way the Government is held to account is at Council meetings, where Members question public officers directly and debate
issues concerning public interest. Through its committee system, the Legislative Council also reflects the opinions of the community on specific issues of public interest and makes recommendations to the Government on what
might be improved.