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List of approved cases

(As at 6 March 2025)
I. Full disclosure
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  • II. Partial disclosure
No.Title(s) of files
Bills Committee to Study the Drug Trafficking (Recovery of Proceeds) (Amendment) Bill 1995 and the Organized & Serious Crimes (Amendment) Bill 1995
(Files: LAS33/1/297 and LAS33/1/298)
Ad Hoc Group to Study the Securities (Insider Dealing) Bill 1989
(Files: LAS40/1/79 and LAS40/2/398)
Bills Committee to Study the Tai Lam Tunnel and Yuen Long Approach Road, in particular information on Route 3 (Country Park Section)
(Files: LAS33/1/283 and LAS33/1/284)
Securities (Clearing Houses) (Amendment) Bill 1995 and Securities (Amendment) Bill 1995
(File: LAS33/1/206)
LegCo Ad Hoc Group to Study the Securities (Clearing Houses) Bill
(Files: LAS40/1/133-LAS40/1/136)
Occupational Retirement Schemes Ordinance
(Files: LAS37/1/228–229, LAS40/1/116, LAS40/1/154-LAS40/1/160, LAS40/2/444 and LAS40/2/473)
Subcommittee on the Study of the Police Management Review
(Files: LAS29/3/27-LAS29/3/31)
Bills Committee to Study the Western Harbour Crossing Bill
(Files: LAS33/1/142-LAS33/1/144)
Bills Committee on Banking (Amendment) Bill 1996
(Files: LAS33/1/521-LAS33/1/526)
Sino British Liaison Group
(File: LAS44/1/71)
Stamp Duty (Amendment) (No.2) Bill 1994 and Inland Revenue (Amendment) (No.2) Bill 1994
(File: LAS33/1/39)
LegCo Subcommittee to study the Computer Crimes Bill 1992
(Files: LAS40/1/264 and LAS40/1/265)
LegCo Subcommittee on Financing of Airport Core Programme
(Files: LAS38/1/1-LAS38/1/6)
Related Finance Committee Papers on Financing of ACP
(Files: LAS38/1/7 and LAS38/1/8)
Bills Committee to Study the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Bill
(File: LAS33/1/307)
Bills Committee to study the Road Traffic (Amendment) (No.4) Bill 1992
(File: LAS33/1/120)
LegCo Ad Hoc Group to study the Crimes (Amendment) Bill 1991
(File: LAS40/2/438)
Bills Committee to study the Water Pollution Control (Amendment) Bill 1992
(File: LAS33/1/119)
Legislative Council Ad Hoc Group to study the Gas Safety Bill 1990
(Files: LAS40/1/96 and LAS40/2/405)
Discussion papers for and records of In-house meetings of the Office of the Members of the Executive and Legislative Councils
(Files: Enclosures (4), (6) and (36) of LAS12/1/27 and Enclosures (19)-(22), (26), (34), (35A), (35) and (36) of LAS12/1/29)
LegCo Panel on Security Special Meeting on 3 November 1998
(File: Enclosures (6) and (13) of LAS29/11/8)
Bills Committee on Land (Compulsory Sale for Redevelopment) Bill - Agenda and Discussion Paper
(Files: LAS33/1/661 and LAS33/1/662)
Private Member's Bill - Access to Information Bill
(Files: L/M to LC 21/61 (1) and L/M to LC 21/61 (2))
Constitutional Reforms for Hong Kong
(File: Enclosure (40) of LAS44/2/154)
LegCo Panel on Information Policy (14/11/1992 - 29/06/1993), (09/07/1993 - 23/07/1993)
(Files: LAS26/1/1 and LAS26/1/2)
Animals and Plants (Protection of Endangered Species) Ordinance (Chapter 187) - Animals and Plants (Protection of Endangered Species) (Replacement of Schedules) Order, 1990
(File: LAS40/2/551)
LegCo Ad Hoc Group to study the Water Pollution Control (Amendment) Bill 1990 (25/6/1990 - 12/12/1990), (14/12/1990 - 18/1/1991)
(Files: LAS40/1/99 and LAS40/1/100)
LegCo Ad Hoc Group to Study the Hotel Accommodation Bill 1990
(File: LAS40/2/431)
Hotel & Guesthouse Accommodation (Appeal Board) Regulations 1991
Hotel & Guesthouse Accommodation (Fees) Regulations 1991
(File: LAS40/2/764)
Bills Committee to study the Hong Kong Institute of Education Bill
(File: LAS33/1/174)
Press Cutting:- Employment (Amendment) Bill 1985
(File: LAS40/1/8)
Water Pollution Control Bill 1980 (22/5/1980-9/7/1980)
(File: LAS40/2/919)
New Territories Leases (Extension) Ordinance (Cap. 150)
(File: LAS38/2/103)
LegCo Ad Hoc Group to study the Parent and Child Bill
(Files: LAS40/1/190 and LAS40/1/191)
Import and Export (Amendment) Bill 1992, Import and Export (Strategic Commodities) (Amendment) (No. 2) Regulation 1992
(File: LAS33/1/101)
Merchant Shipping (Safety) (GMDSS Radio Installation) Regulation 1992; Merchant Shipping (Safety) (Cargo Ship Construction and Survey) (Ships Built On Or After 1 September 1984) (Amendment) 1992; Merchant Shipping (Safety) (Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Survey) (Amendment) Regulation 1992; Merchant Shipping (Safety) (Life-saving Appliances) (Ships Built Before 1 July 1986) (Amendment) Regulation 1992; Merchant Shipping (Safety) (Life-saving Appliances) (Ships Built On Or After 1 July 1986) (Amendment) Regulation 1992; Merchant Shipping (Safety) (Passenger Ship Construction and Survey) (Ships Built On Or After 1 September 1984) (Amendment) Regulation 1992; Merchant Shipping (Safety) (Radio Installations Survey) (Amendment) Regulation 1992; Import and Export (Strategic Commodities) (Amendment) Regulation 1992
(File: LAS40/1/203)
Import and Export (Strategic Commodities) (A) Regulation 1992
(File: LAS40/1/261)
Bills Committee to study the Trading Funds Bill 1992
(Files: LAS33/1/108 and LAS33/1/109)
Homicide Ordinance (Cap. 339)
(File: LAS38/2/210)
LegCo Panel on Security Meeting on 6.11.2007
(File: LAS29/13/3)
Bills Committee to study the Crimes (Amendment)(No.3) Bill 1992
(File: LAS33/1/107)
Bills Committee on Long Term Prison Sentences Review Bill
(File: LAS33/1/1082)
Operation of the Octopus Card in Hong Kong (Research Project - Report)
(File: LAS46/3/382)
The Octopus card
(File: LAS47/6/521)
LegCo Ad Hoc Group to study the Immigration (Vietnamese Refugees Centres) (Closed Centre) (Amendment) No.5 Rules 1988
(File: LAS40/1/272)
Vietnamese Boat People a Review of The Screening and Appeal Procedures for Vietnamese Asylum Seekers - Immigration (Amendment) (No. 2) Bill 1989
(File: LAS40/2/795)
Vietnamese Boat People Screening and Appeal Procedures for Vietnamese Asylum Seekers Immigration (Refugee Status Review Boards) (Procedure) Regulations 1989
(File: LAS40/2/797)
Port of First Asylum for Vietnamese Boat People
(File: LAS46/1/33)
Bills Committee to study the Sale of Goods (Amendment) Bill 1994 - Supply of Services (Implied Terms) Bill - Unconscionable Contracts Bill
(File: LAS33/1/233)
Subcommittee on Prison (Amendment) Rules 2000, Immigration (Vietnamese Migrants) (Detention Centres) (Amendment) Rules 2000 and Probation of Offenders (Amendment) Rules 2000
(File: LAS37/3/1)
LegCo Panel on Economic Services (05/10/1999 - 02/06/2000)
(File: Enclosure (5) of LAS18/3/35)
LegCo Panel on Security Special Meeting on 13 April 2000
(File: Enclosure (4) of LAS29/3/148)
Multi-Storey Buildings (Owners Incorporation) (Amendment) Bill 1991
(File: LAS40/2/765)
Subcommittee to prepare for the setting up of the Select Committee on the retirement of Mr LEUNG Ming-yin, former Director of Immigration
(File: LAS38/1/86)
Statistic on Vietnamese Refugees/Migrants
(Files: LAS29/1/3, LAS29/1/4 and LAS29/3/8)
Select Committee to inquire into the circumstances leading to the problems surrounding the commencement of the operation of the new Hong Kong International Airport at Chek Lap Kok since 6 July 1998 and related issues – Minutes
(File: LAS50/1/10)
Report of the Select Committee to inquire into the circumstances leading to the problems surrounding the commencement of the operation of the new Hong Kong International Airport at Chek Lap Kok since 6 July 1998 and related issues - Volume I Main Report and Minutes of Proceedings [Reprint]
(Files: LAS50/2/1-LAS50/2/6)
Bills Committee to study the Employees' Compensation (Amendment) Bill 1994
(File: Enclosure (26) of LAS33/1/182)
Bills Committee on Fugitive offenders Bill
(Files: LAS33/1/1031-LAS33/1/1033)
Finance Committee meeting Agenda and Papers
(File: Enclosure (21) of LAS8/1/2)
Supplementary Medical Professions, Midwives Registration and Nurses Registration (Amendment) Bill 1985
(File: LAS40/2/196)
Registration of Persons (Amendment) Bill 1989
(File: LAS40/2/799)
Bills Committee to study the Pneumoconiosis (Compensation) Amendment Bill 1993
(Files: LAS33/1/132 and LAS33/1/133)
Review of the Committee Structure of the Legislative Council
(File: LAS34/1/9)
Working Group on the Committee Structure of the Legislative Council
(File: LAS34/1/10)
House Committee Meeting of the Legislative Council (18.6.93)
(File: LAS12/3/28)
House Committee Meeting of the Legislative Council (25.6.93)
(File: LAS12/3/29)
LegCo Ad Hoc Group to study the Occupational Safety and Health Council Bill 1988
(File: LAS40/2/363)
Verbatim Transcripts for the enquire into the circumstances surrounding the termination of employment of Mr Alex TSUI, Senior Assistant Director holding the post of Deputy Director Operations, ICAC
(Files: LAS11/1/25-LAS11/1/27)
Summary Offences (Amendment) Bill 1983
(File: Memorandum for Executive Council of LAS40/2/62)
Bills Committee to study the Residential Care Homes (Elderly Persons) Bill
(Files: LAS33/1/221 and LAS33/1/222)
Bills Committee to study the Criminal Procedure (Amendment) Bill 1993
(File: LAS33/1/151)
Bills Committee on Social Workers Registration Bill
(Files: LAS33/1/1008-LAS33/1/1010)
Bills Committee to study the New Territories Land (Exemption) Bill
(File: Enclosure (27) of LAS33/1/170)
LegCo Panel on Welfare Services - Meeting on 14 February 2000
(File: Enclosure (28a) of LAS31/2/101)
LegCo Ad Hoc Group to study the Air Pollution Control (Fuel Restriction) Regulation 1990
(File: LAS40/2/406)
Air Pollution Control (Fuel Restriction) Regulations 1989
(File: LAS40/2/639)
LegCo In-house Meeting (9.11.90, 16.11.90, 23.11.90, 30.11.90 & 4.1.91)
(File: Enclosure (7) in LAS12/4/16)
LegCo Subcommittee on Authentic Chinese Texts
(Files: LAS38/1/9 and LAS38/1/10)
Subcommittee on Authentic Chinese Texts of Existing Legislation
(Files: LAS38/1/11-LAS38/1/15)
LegCo Subcommittee on Authentic Chinese Texts: Interpretation & General Clauses Ord., Cap. 1
(Files: LAS38/2/1 and LAS38/2/2)
Masonic Benevolence Fund Incorporation Ordinance (Cap. 1034)
(File: LAS38/2/445)
Zetland Hall Trustees Incorporation Ordinance (Cap.1055)
(File: LAS38/2/464)
Bills Committee to study the Wills (A) Bill 1994, Intestates Estate (A) Bill 1994 and Inheritance (Provision for Family & Dependants) Bill
(Files: LAS33/1/249 and LAS33/1/250)
Subcommittee of the Bills Committee to study the Wills (A) Bill 1994, Intestates Estates (A) Bill 1994 & Inheritance (Provision for Family & Dependants) Bill
(Files: LAS33/1/251 and LAS33/1/252)
LegCo In-house Meeting (2.10.87, 9.10.87 & 16.10.87)
(File: LAS12/3/1)
LegCo In-house Meeting (26.6.92, 3.7.92 & 22.7.92)
(File: LAS12/3/15)
LegCo In-house Meeting - Convener's Brief
(File: LAS12/3/111)
Bills Committee to study the Commissioner for Administrative Complaints (A) Bill 93
(File: LAS33/1/160)
Immigration (Amendment) Bill 1987
(File: LAS40/2/304)
Bills Committee to study the Administrative Appeals Board Bill
(File: LAS33/1/126)
Bills Committee to study the Medical Registration (Amendment) Bill 1995
(File: LAS33/1/303)
Bills Committee to study the Medical Registration (Amendment) (No.2) Bill 1995 - Minutes of Meetings
(File: LAS33/1/940)
Medical Registration Ordinance (Cap. 161)
(File: LAS38/2/298)
Medical Registration (Amendment) (No. 2) Bill 1995
(File: LAS61/1/90)
Medical Registration (Amendment) Bill 1985
(File: LAS40/2/136)
Medical Registration (Amendment) Bill 1989
(File: LAS40/2/609)
Dentists Registration (Amendment) Bill 1991
Medical Registration (Amendment) Bill 1991
Supplementary Medical Professions (Amendment) (No. 2) Bill 1991
(File: LAS40/2/625)
Medical Registration (Transitional Provisions) Bill 1997
(File: LAS61/4/32)
Bills Committee on Building Management (Amendment) Bill 2000 – Main
(File: LAS33/1/1346)
Bills Committee to study the Personal Data (Privacy) Bill
(Files: LAS33/1/289-292)
Bills Committee on Commissioner For Administrative Complaints (Amendment) Bill 96 – Main
(File: LAS33/1/1015)
Bills Committee on Commissioner For Administrative Complaints (Amendment) Bill 96 - Agenda & Discussion Papers
(File: LAS33/1/1016)
Bills Committee on Commissioner For Administrative Complaints (Amendment) Bill 96 - Minutes of Meetings
(File: LAS33/1/1017)
Commissioner for Administrative Complaints (Amendment) Bill 1996
(File: LAS61/1/27)
Bills Committee on The Ombudsman (Amendment) Bill 2001 – Main
(File: LAS33/1/1466)
Bills Committee on The Ombudsman (Amendment) Bill 2001 - Agenda & Discussion Papers
(File: LAS33/1/1467)
House Committee Meeting of Legislative Council - Agenda & Discussion Papers
(Files: LAS12/5/1 and LAS12/5/2)
LegCo Ad Hoc Group to study the Municipal Services Appeals Boards Bill 1990
(File: LAS40/2/421)
Minutes of a closed meeting held on 24 May 2019 between Legislative Council Members and Sai Kung District Council members (Agenda item I: Requesting the Hong Kong Design Institute to open its cultural and recreational facilities for public use)
(File: LC Paper No. CB(3)786/18-19)
LegCo Panel on Constitutional Affairs - Court of Final Appeal (1.12.1994 - 17.10.1995)
(File: LAS16/3/14)
Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal Bill (12.6.1995 - 7.7.1995)
(File: LAS33/1/310)
Bills Committee to Study the Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal Bill (22.9.1995 - 11.10.1995)
(File: LAS/33/1/311)
Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal Bill (7.7.1995 - 26.7.1995)
(File: LAS33/1/312)
Attorney General – Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal Bill (14.7.1995 - 26.7.1995)
(File: LAS61/1/1)
The Court of Final Appeal
(File: LAS44/2/93)

No.Title(s) of filesRemarks
Ad Hoc Group to Study the Drug Trafficking (Recovery of Proceeds) Bill 1989
(Files: LAS40/2/381 and LAS40/2/382)
Access to the files has been approved with the exception of a classified document which falls under exempted categories (a) and (c) of the documents and records of the Legislature.
Expert Group on the Basic Law
(File: LAS34/2/12)
Access to the file has been approved with the exception of two enclosures to the file. The two enclosures are newspaper articles owned by the newspaper publisher concerned and the copyright, which is for 50 years, is still subsisting.
LegCo Ad Hoc Group on financing of ACP
(Files: LAS32/1/54-LAS32/1/58)
Access to the files has been approved. Personal data in respect of HKID numbers and addresses contained in the documents are redacted before disclosure in accordance with Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Cap.486).
LegCo Ad Hoc Group to Study the Animals and Plants (Protection of Endangered Species) (Amendment) Bill 1990
(File: LAS40/2/416)
Access to the file has been approved. Personal data in respect of HKID numbers and addresses contained in the documents are redacted before disclosure in accordance with Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Cap.486).
LegCo Ad Hoc Group to study the Water Pollution Control (Amendment) Bill 1990 (10/5/1990 – 25/6/1990)
(File: LAS40/2/422)
Access to the file has been approved with the exception of a classified document which falls under exempted categories (a) and (c) of the documents and records of the Legislature.
Employment (Amendment) Bill 1985 Proposal to Establish a Long Service Payment
(Files: LAS40/2/205 and LAS40/2/206)
Access to the files has been approved with the exception of two classified documents which fall under exempted categories (a) and (c) of the documents and records of the Legislature.

Personal data in respect of contacts and privacy of members of the public contained in the documents are redacted before disclosure in accordance with Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Cap.486).
Water Pollution Control (Amendment) Bill 1985; Water Pollution Control (General) Regulations 1985; Water Pollution Control (Appeal Board) Regulations 1985
(File: LAS40/2/128)
Access to the file has been approved with the exception of two classified documents which fall under exempted categories (a) and (c) of the documents and records of the Legislature.

Personal data in respect of contacts and privacy of members of the public contained in the documents are redacted before disclosure in accordance with Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Cap.486).
Water Pollution Control (Amendment) Bill 1985
(File: LAS40/2/129)
Access to the file has been approved with the exception of three classified documents which fall under exempted categories (a) and (c) of the documents and records of the Legislature.

Personal data in respect of HKID numbers, home addresses and telephone numbers contained in the documents are redacted before disclosure in accordance with Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Cap.486).
New Territories Leases (Extension) Bill 87
(File: LAS40/2/341)
Access to the file has been approved with the exception of a classified document which falls under exempted categories (a) and (c) of the documents and records of the Legislature.
Bills Committee to study the Leveraged Foreign Exchange Trading Bill
(Files: LAS33/1/152 - LAS33/1/157)
Access to the files has been approved. Personal data in respect of names and telephone numbers contained in a document are redacted before disclosure in accordance with Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Cap.486).
Bills Committee to study the Legislative Council (Electoral Provisions) (Amendment) Bill 1994
(Files: LAS33/1/176 and LAS33/1/177)
Access to the files has been approved. Personal data in respect of HKID numbers, home addresses and telephone numbers contained in the documents are redacted before disclosure in accordance with Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Cap.486).
Legislative Council (Powers and Privileges) Bill 1985
(Files: LAS40/2/100, LAS40/2/159 and LAS40/2/160)
Access to the files has been approved. Personal data in respect of contacts of members of the public contained in the documents are redacted before disclosure in accordance with Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Cap.486).
Bills Committee on Copyright (Suspension of Amendments) Bill 2001
(Files: LAS33/4/48-LAS33/4/54)
Access to the files has been approved. Personal data in respect of telephone numbers and email addresses contained in the documents are redacted before disclosure in accordance with Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Cap.486).
Bills Committee to study the Sewage Services Bill
(Files: LAS33/1/235 and LAS33/1/236)
Access to the files has been approved. Personal data in respect of personal information of a member of the public contained in the documents are redacted before disclosure in accordance with Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Cap.486).
Select Committee to inquire into the circumstances surrounding the departure of Mr LEUNG Ming-yin from the Government and related issues
(Files: LAS49/1/1- LAS49/1/18)
Access to the files has been approved with the exception of information involving legal fees which falls under exempted category (c) of the documents and records of the Legislature. Personal information of some third parties who were not mentioned in the published report of the Select Committee is redacted before disclosure in accordance with Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Cap.486).
LegCo Ad Hoc Group to study the Multi-Storey Buildings (Owners Incorporation) (Amendment) Bill 1992
(Files: LAS40/1/182-LAS40/1/186)
Access to the files has been approved with the exception of documents and records which fall under exempted category (d) of the documents and records of the Legislature. The identities and contact methods of the members of the public/deputations who had raised views to the OMELCO Complaints Office are redacted before disclosure.
LegCo Panel on Security - Vietnamese Boat People (VBP)/Vietnamese Migrants
(Files: LAS29/3/23, LAS29/3/33 and LAS29/3/63)
Access to the files has been approved. The identities and contact methods of the members of the public/deputations who had raised views to the OMELCO Complaints Office are redacted before disclosure.
Vietnamese Boat People (VBP) / Vietnamese Migrants
(File: LAS29/1/2)
Access to the file has been approved. The identities and contact methods of the members of the public/deputations who had raised views to the OMELCO Complaints Office are redacted before disclosure.
Select Committee to inquire into the circumstances leading to the problems surrounding the commencement of the operation of the new Hong Kong International Airport at Chek Lap Kok since 6 July 1998 and related issues - Verbatim transcripts (Draft or floor version)
(Files: LAS50/1/41-LAS50/1/50)
Access to the files has been approved. Personal data in respect of personal information of individual members of the public contained in the documents are redacted before disclosure in accordance with Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Cap.486).
Select Committee to inquire into the circumstances leading to the problems surrounding the commencement of the operation of the new Hong Kong International Airport at Chek Lap Kok since 6 July 1998 and related issues - Support Services
(File: LAS50/1/51)
Access to the file has been approved. Personal data in respect of personal information of individual members of the public contained in the documents are redacted before disclosure in accordance with Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Cap.486).
Bills Committee to study the Travel Agents (Amendment) Bill 1992
(File: LAS33/1/117)
Access to the file has been approved. Personal data in respect of personal information of individual members of the public contained in the documents are redacted before disclosure in accordance with Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Cap.486).
Working Group on the Committee Structure of the Legislative Council
(File: LAS34/1/11)
Access to the file has been approved. Personal data in respect of personal information of individual members of the public contained in the documents are redacted before disclosure in accordance with Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Cap.486).
LegCo Ad Hoc Group to study the Police Force (Amendment) Bill 1992
(File: LAS40/1/164)
Access to the file has been approved. Personal data in respect of personal information and contact methods of the deputation contained in the documents are redacted before disclosure in accordance with Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Cap.486).
Select Committee to inquire into the circumstances leading to the problems surrounding the commencement of the operation of the new Hong Kong International Airport at Chek Lap Kok since 6 July 1998 and related issues - Correspondence with the Administration and other parties
(Files: LAS50/1/17 and LAS50/1/18)
Access to the file has been approved. Personal data in respect of personal information of individual members of the public contained in the documents are redacted before disclosure in accordance with Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Cap.486).
Select Committee to inquire into the circumstances leading to the problems surrounding the commencement of the operation of the new Hong Kong International Airport at Chek Lap Kok since 6 July 1998 and related issues - Correspondence with Witnesses
(Files: LAS50/1/53-LAS50/1/59)
Access to the file has been approved. Personal data in respect of personal information of individual members of the public contained in the documents are redacted before disclosure in accordance with Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Cap.486).
Bills Committee to study the Residential Care Homes (Elderly Persons) Bill
(File: LAS33/1/220)
Access to the file has been approved. Personal data in respect of personal information of individual members of the public contained in the documents are redacted before disclosure in accordance with Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Cap.486).
Bills Committee on National Flag and National Emblem Bill and Regional Flag and Regional Emblem Bill
(File: LAS33/1/1560)
Access to the file has been approved. Personal data in respect of personal information of individual members of the public contained in the documents are redacted before disclosure in accordance with Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Cap.486).
Public Representations on : Daya Bay Nuclear Power Project
(Files: LAS18/2/7 and LAS18/2/8)
Access to the file has been approved. Personal data in respect of personal information of individual members of the public contained in the documents are redacted before disclosure in accordance with Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Cap.486).
Delegation to Europe (Public Utilities Panel: Daya Bay Nuclear Power Project)
(File: LAS18/2/9)
Access to the file has been approved. Personal data in respect of personal information of individual members of the public contained in the documents are redacted before disclosure in accordance with Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Cap.486).
Delegation to USA/JAPAN (Public Utilities Panel: Daya Bay Nuclear Power Project)
(File: LAS18/2/10)
Access to the file has been approved. Personal data in respect of personal information of individual members of the public contained in the documents are redacted before disclosure in accordance with Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Cap.486).
LegCo Ad Hoc Group on the Daya Bay Nuclear Power Project
(Files: LAS32/1/5 - LAS32/1/12)
Access to the file has been approved. Personal data in respect of personal information of individual members of the public contained in the documents are redacted before disclosure in accordance with Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Cap.486).
Bills Committee to study the Medical Registration (A) [(Amendment)] Bill 1995
(File: LAS33/1/302)
Access to the file has been approved. Personal data in respect of personal information of individual members of the public contained in the documents are redacted before disclosure in accordance with Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Cap.486).
Bills Committee to study the Medical Registration (Amendment) (No.2) Bill 1995 – Main
(Files: LAS33/1/937 and LAS33/1/938)
Access to the file has been approved. Personal data in respect of personal information of individual members of the public contained in the documents are redacted before disclosure in accordance with Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Cap.486).
Bills Committee to study the Medical Registration (Amendment) (No.2) Bill 1995 - Agenda & Discussion Papers
(File: LAS33/1/939)
Access to the file has been approved. Personal data in respect of personal information of individual members of the public contained in the documents are redacted before disclosure in accordance with Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Cap.486).
Medical Registration (Amendment) Bill 1987
Dentists Registration (Amendment) (No. 2) Bill 1987
Nurses Registration (Amendment) Bill 1987
Midwives Registration (Amendment) Bill 1987
(File: LAS40/2/598)
Access to the file has been approved. Personal data in respect of personal information of individual members of the public contained in the documents are redacted before disclosure in accordance with Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Cap.486).

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