Making access requests to closed documents and records

Making access requests to closed documents and records

The access request can be made either orally or in writing. An application form for access to closed documents and records can be downloaded for making an access request. Applicants may be asked to provide additional information to help process their access requests.
Where a request cannot be adequately met by an oral answer or published materials on the Legislative Council ("LegCo") Website, the applicant may be invited to consult the requested records at the LegCo Library or the LegCo Archives at the LegCo Complex.

Appeal mechanism for CoA

Any applicant who does not accept the decision relating to his or her request for access to documents or records of the Legislature may write to the Committee on Access to the Legislature's Documents and Records for a review of the application.

Appeal mechanism for LCC

Any applicant who does not accept the decision relating to his or her request for access to documents or records of LCC may write to the Secretary General of the Legislative Council Secretariat for a review.
Any applicant who is not satisfied with the review decision and believes that the provisions of the Access to Information Policy have not been properly applied to his or her request for access to information may appeal to The Legislative Council Commission.

Fees and charges

Other than those publications issued free of charge or at a cost already specified, the fees and charges for making copies of the requested documents and records are set out below:
Black and white photocopy on A4 size paper (single-sided) $1.2 per page
Black and white photocopy on A3 size paper (single-sided) $1.5 per page
Coloured photocopy on A4 size paper (single-sided) $4 per page
Coloured photocopy on A3 size paper (single-sided) $6 per page
Digital images of archival records  
(i)captured from records without digital copy  
per DVD-ROM $6
per digital image page $5.4
(ii)captured from records with digital copy  
per DVD-ROM $6
per digital image page $1.4
Audio/video record (per meeting) $79 per CD-ROM
$105 per DVD-ROM
Postage will be added if the applicant requests to have the copy delivered by post.
Where no suitable equipment or technology is available in the Legislative Council Secretariat to process, view or copy the requested records, applicants may be charged the additional expenses incurred in providing access to or copy of these records.
If the records may be damaged when making copies, the Access to Information Officer may refuse to copy the requested records.


(852) 3919 3413
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Making access requests to closed documents and records
Appeal mechanism for CoA
Appeal mechanism for LCC
Fees and charges