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Legislative Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of The People's Republic of China
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Legislative Council Secretariat

Press Release

Upgraded LegCo App brings enhanced features with new look (with photo)

The Legislative Council Secretariat today (28 March) released version 6.0 of the mobile application for the Legislative Council (“LegCo App”) with enhanced features and a brand-new look, offering users a more convenient and easier access to the latest information on Legislative Council (“LegCo”) business.


The brand-new features of the LegCo App version 6.0 include:


Live information on Council meetings


During an ongoing Council meeting, live information will be displayed across the bottom of the screen.  This new feature allows users to keep abreast of LegCo business.


Push notifications and information updates


Users can receive notifications for watching live meetings of the Council, House Committee and Finance Committee as well as for other updates. In addition, the LegCo App uses badges to indicate unread messages, thereby highlighting the latest information.


Personalized “Bookmark lists”


Users can add contents to “Bookmark lists” on various pages to make quick reference later.


Enhanced sharing function


Users can easily share contents, including what’s on, LegCo calendar, webcasts, latest publications, research publications, photos and press releases, with others.


“Picture-in-picture” for webcasts


Users can shrink the live screen to background play to view other contents in the LegCo App or to use other mobile applications at the same time.


Members of the public are welcome to download or upgrade to the LegCo App version 6.0 from Apple App Store, Google Play or Huawei AppGallery for free. The LegCo App is also available for download from the LegCo Website ( It supports devices running on Apple iOS (version 14.0 or above), Android (version 10.0 or above) and HarmonyOS (version 2.0 or above).

Ends/Tuesday, 28 March 2023


Photo 1

The LegCo App version 6.0 has introduced a number of new features, offering users a more convenient and easier access to the latest information on LegCo business.

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