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Legislative Council Secretariat

Press Release

LegCo Panel on Home Affairs, Culture and Sports and Public Works Subcommittee conduct joint visit to Kai Tak Sports Park (with photos)

The Legislative Council (“LegCo”) Panel on Home Affairs, Culture and Sports and Public Works Subcommittee conducted a joint visit to the Kai Tak Sports Park (“KTSP”) today (17 October) to inspect its major venues to better understand the updated implementation progress.


Accompanied by the Under Secretary for Culture, Sports and Tourism, Mr Raistlin LAU Chun, and the Commissioner for Sports, Mr Sam WONG Tak-sum, Members first visited the KTSP Experience Centre and received a briefing by the representatives of KTSP Limited on an overview of the KTSP project and its site model. Members also viewed KTSP’s construction site and visited the hospitality suite mock-up at the KTSP Experience Centre.


Members then headed to the construction site of KTSP to visit the Main Stadium and observe the Indoor Sports Centre and Public Sports Ground. Members noted that KTSP, with a project cost of $31.9 billion and occupying an area of about 28 hectares, will provide modern and multi-purpose sports and recreation facilities. These include a 50 000-seat Main Stadium, a 10 000-seat Indoor Sports Centre, a 5 000-seat Public Sports Ground and about 14-hectare landscaped open space upon completion. KTSP will not only allow the staging of more large-scale international sports events, but also provide the general public with leisure and sports facilities for community use, thereby facilitating sports development in Hong Kong. The Administration expects that the major facilities of KTSP will be completed by the end of 2024 by phases to allow the hosting of some of the events of the 15th National Games in Hong Kong in 2025.


At the invitation of KTSP Limited, a total of 14 members of the Panel on Home Affairs, Culture and Sports and Public Works Subcommittee joined the visit.

Ends/Tuesday, 17 October 2023


Photo 1


The Legislative Council (“LegCo”) Panel on Home Affairs, Culture and Sports and Public Works Subcommittee conduct a joint visit to the Kai Tak Sports Park (“KTSP”) today (17 October). The Chairman of the Panel on Home Affairs, Culture and Sports, Hon Vincent CHENG Wing-shun (front row, fourth right), the Deputy Chairman of the Panel, Hon Joephy CHAN Wing-yan (front row, first left), and the Chairman of the Public Works Subcommittee, Ir Dr Hon LO Wai-kwok (front row, fourth left), and other LegCo Members posing for a group photo at the KTSP Experience Centre.


Photo 2


LegCo Members receive a briefing by the representatives of KTSP Limited on the construction progress of the KTSP project.


Photo 3


LegCo Members, the Under Secretary for Culture, Sports and Tourism, Mr Raistlin LAU Chun (front row, second right), the Commissioner for Sports, Mr Sam WONG Tak-sum (front row, first right), and the representatives of KTSP Limited pose for a group photo at the construction site of KTSP.


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