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Legislative Council Secretariat

Press Release

LegCo Panel on Home Affairs, Culture and Sports visits the Hong Kong Sports Institute (with photos)

The Legislative Council (“LegCo”) Panel on Home Affairs, Culture and Sports visited the Hong Kong Sports Institute (“HKSI”) today (14 November) to understand the latest development of HKSI and exchange views with athletes.


During the visit, Members received a briefing by the Chairman of HKSI, TANG King-shing, and the Chief Executive of HKSI, Trisha LEAHY, on the construction progress of the new facilities building of HKSI. Members understood that the three-storey high new facilities building, with a net operating floor area of about 8 935m2, is expected to be completed in mid-2024. It will provide facilities on strength and conditioning, sports science and sports medicine, including a multi-purpose column-free training hall, scientific conditioning centre, sports medicine centre, sport psychology centre, sport biomechanics centre, sport nutrition and monitoring centre, sports residence area, etc., to further upgrade the facilities of HKSI and take forward elite sports development in Hong Kong.


Accompanied by the representatives of HKSI, Members then visited the existing major facilities of HKSI, including the swimming complex, sports complex, track & field, etc., and took the opportunity to talk to the athletes to learn of their training at HKSI. Members also noted that the Administration recently delivered the Policy Address, mentioning the allocation of additional resources to enhance the sports medicine centre of HKSI.


Members who participated in the visit were the Panel Chairman Hon Vincent CHENG Wing-shun, the Deputy Chairman Hon Joephy CHAN Wing-yan and Panel members Hon Andrew LAM Siu-lo, Hon YIU Pak-leung, Hon CHAN Yung and Hon Kenneth FOK Kai-kong; as well as non-Panel members Hon KWOK Wai-keung, Ir Hon CHAN Siu-hung and Hon YIM Kong.

Ends/Tuesday, 14 November 2023


Photo 1


The Legislative Council (“LegCo”) Panel on Home Affairs, Culture and Sports visits the Hong Kong Sports Institute (“HKSI”) today (14 November). The Chairman of the Panel on Home Affairs, Culture and Sports, Hon Vincent CHENG Wing-shun (front row, fifth left), the Deputy Chairman of the Panel, Hon Joephy CHAN Wing-yan (front row, first left), and other Members pose for a group photo at HKSI.


Photo 2


LegCo Members receive a briefing by the Chairman of HKSI, TANG King-shing (first left), on the construction progress of the new facilities building.


Photo 3


LegCo Members exchange views with athletes.


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