立 法 會 秘 書 處

Legislative Council Secretariat

Press Release

LegCo Panel on Security visits Anti-Deception Coordination Centre and Anti-Deception Alliance (with photos)

The Legislative Council Panel on Security visited the Anti-Deception Coordination Centre (“ADCC”) and the Anti-Deception Alliance (“ADA”) of Hong Kong Police Force (“HKPF”) in the Police Headquarters today (23 April) to better understand the latest measures and initiatives of HKPF to combat deception cases.


Members first received a briefing from the representatives of HKPF on the work of ADCC in coordinating the relevant resources of HKPF and enhancing collaboration with different government departments, various stakeholders and law enforcement agencies outside Hong Kong, as well as the major strategies of HKPF in preventing and combatting deception.  They then toured the Call Centre of ADCC and ADA established by HKPF and 10 major banks in November last year to enhance cooperation with the banking industry. 


During the visit, Members noted how ADCC assisted members of the public who were suspected to have been defrauded through its hotline “Anti-Scam Helpline 18222” to mitigate victims’ losses and deployed the Scam Response Team officers in the District concerned to provide immediate assistance for the victims.  The representatives of HKPF also briefed Members on the latest situation and outcomes of its various initiatives with the banking industry, in particular how ADA had expedited the process of intercepting crime proceeds and implemented the “Upstream Scam Intervention” mechanism to proactively identify and provide anti-deception advice to potential victims, in order to prevent the occurrence of fraud cases as early as possible.


Members were generally supportive of the Administration's various measures to prevent and combat deception cases.  They exchanged views with representatives of the Security Bureau and HKPF on the enhancement of the effectiveness of the anti-deception measures and made a number of suggestions to further strengthen the relevant work.  They also urged the Administration to continue to step up their efforts in preventing and combatting deception cases such that the public would not be defrauded. 


A total of 22 members and non-members of the Panel on Security attended the visit. 

Ends/Tuesday, 23 April 2024


Photo 1


The Legislative Council (“LegCo”) Panel on Security visits the Anti-Deception Coordination Centre (“ADCC”) and the Anti-Deception Alliance (“ADA”) of Hong Kong Police Force (“HKPF”) today (23 April).  The Chairman of the Panel on Security, Hon CHAN Hak-kan (front row, fourth right), Deputy Chairman, Hon Carmen KAN Wai-mun (front row, sixth right), other Members and the Commissioner of Police, Mr SIU Chak-yee (front row, centre) pose for a group photo.


Photo 2


LegCo Members observe the workflows of ADCC Call Centre.


Photo 3


LegCo Members visit ADA to learn about the latest joint measures implemented by the Police and the banking industry to combat deception cases.


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