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Legislative Council Secretariat

Press Release

Legislative Council Members and Tai Po District Council members visit the Lam Tsuen River and Kwong Fuk Bridge in Tai Po (with photos)

The Legislative Council (“LegCo”) Members and Tai Po District Council (“DC”) members conducted a visit to Lam Tsuen River and Kwong Fuk Bridge in Tai Po today (23 July) to follow up on issues raised in the meeting held at LegCo between the two parties in late May, including the concern and suggestions of the DC members on improving the ancillary facilities of Lam Tsuen River and the latest progress of the works project of building a vehicular bridge near Kwong Fuk Bridge (“the vehicular bridge works project”).


LegCo Members first visited Lam Tsuen River and received a briefing by representatives of Tai Po DC and the relevant Government departments (including the Drainage Services Department, Environmental Protection Department, Highways Department, and Leisure and Cultural Services Department) on the old and new facilities of Lam Tsuen River as well as various suggestions of improvements put forward by DC members.  These suggestions include resurfacing and widening pedestrian walkways on both sides of the riverbank, adding covered benches with special thematic features as well as providing new recreational and leisure facilities such as fitness trails and water sports centre.


LegCo Members then visited Kwong Fuk Bridge along Lam Tsuen River.  They were briefed by representatives of the Highways Department and Transport Department on the progress of the vehicular bridge works project.  Members noted that Tai Po DC members supported in expediting the project with a view to mitigating traffic congestion in the vicinity of Tai Po Hui.  During the visit, Members exchanged views with Tai Po DC members and representatives of the Government departments on the project design and timeframe.


Members who participated in the visit were Hon CHAN Hak-kan, Hon Steven HO Chun-yin, Hon YUNG Hoi-yan, Hon CHAN Chun-ying, Hon Dominic LEE Tsz-king, Hon Dennis LEUNG Tsz-wing and Hon LAI Tung-kwok.

Ends/Tuesday, 23 July 2024


Photo 1


The Legislative Council (“LegCo”) Members and Tai Po District Council (“DC”) members visit Lam Tsuen River and Kwong Fuk Bridge in Tai Po today (23 July).  LegCo Members learn about Tai Po DC’s concern on improving the ancillary facilities of Lam Tsuen River and the latest progress of the works project of building a vehicular bridge near Kwong Fuk Bridge.


Photo 2


LegCo Members receive a briefing by representatives of Tai Po DC and the relevant Government departments on the old and new facilities of Lam Tsuen River.


Photo 3


LegCo Members and Tai Po DC members visit Kwong Fuk Bridge along the Lam Tsuen River.


Photo 4


LegCo Members, Tai Po DC members and the representatives of the relevant Government departments pose a group photo before the visit to Lam Tsuen River and Kwong Fuk Bridge in Tai Po.


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