Press Release
The Legislative Council Subcommittee on Matters Relating to the Development of Smart City visited Tseung Kwan O Hospital (“TKOH”) today (25 November) to learn about the latest situation of the Hospital Authority (“HA”) in promoting the development of “Smart Hospital”.
Members first received a briefing by representatives of TKOH on its smart hospital projects. Members noted that TKOH was one of three public hospitals designated by HA for the development of a “Smart Hospital”, which aimed to support administrative operations and clinical management of hospitals through the application of technologies such as big data analysis and artificial intelligence, thereby enhancing the quality and efficiency of healthcare services while ensuring patient safety.
Members then visited the specialist out-patient clinic, a ward and an operating theatre of the hospital to understand how HA’s mobile application “HA Go” provides personalized services to patients, as well as the application of 5G technology in operating theatres, including assisting senior doctors in remotely monitoring the progress of medical surgeries and providing guidance. Members also noted that the electronic vital signs system used in the hospital’s “Smart Ward” was equipped with functions such as alerts on abnormal conditions, which, together with the electronic bed panel in the ward, would enable clinical staff to monitor the medical needs and conditions of the patients in a more effective manner.
Before concluding the visit, Members visited the Smart Pharmacy to learn about the paperless mode of operation of the pharmacy and the use of Internet of Things technologies and automated systems to enhance dispensing efficiency and accuracy. Members also exchanged views with representatives of HA and the hospital regarding the challenges of further automation of services.
Members who participated in the visit were the Chairman of the Subcommittee on Matters Relating to the Development of Smart City, Hon Elizabeth QUAT, Subcommittee members Ir Hon CHAN Siu-hung and Hon Carmen KAN Wai-mun.
Ends/Monday, 25 November 2024
The Legislative Council (“LegCo”) Subcommittee on Matters Relating to the Development of Smart City visits Tseung Kwan O Hospital (“TKOH”) today (25 November). Members receive a briefing from representatives of TKOH on its smart hospital projects.
LegCo Members visit the Smart Pharmacy.
LegCo Members learn about the application of 5G technologies in operating theatres.
The Chairman of the Subcommittee on Matters Relating to the Development of Smart City, Hon Elizabeth QUAT (front row, fourth left), and other LegCo Members pose for a group photo with representatives of the Administration and the Hospital Authority.