Meeting attendance

This data set contains attendance records of Members at open meetings of the Council and its committees since the Sixth Legislative Council (2016 - 2021).
The information can be obtained in the form of open data via web application programming interface (API) as described in this page.
For enquiry, please e-mail to
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Usage tips of Web Application Programming Interface (API)
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When Chinese characters are used in a web api command, please perform URL encoding for it first, or use a browser such as Chrome that can encode Chinese characters automatically.

The web api provides the following information:
  1. TAttendance (Records of attendance)
Corresponding to the above information, the open data web api can be run at:
To get the meta data schema of the dataset, please run the following:
The following query string options can be applied:
  • $format - specify whether the data to be returned in json or xml format, e.g. $format=json
  • $top=N - select only the first N entries of the set, where N is a positive integer, e.g. $top=10
  • $skip=N - select only the remaining entries (starting with Entry N+1) where N is a positive integer, e.g. $skip=10
  • $orderby - what values are used to order the retrieved data, e.g. $orderby=meeting_start_date_time
  • $select - select specific fields to be returned, e.g. $select=meeting_start_date_time,meeting_name_english,member_name_english,present_absent
  • $filter - select specific entries according to provided conditions, e.g. $filter=substringof('Meeting of House Committee',meeting_name_english) eq true
  • $inlinecount - specify "$inlinecount=allpages" to include the total number of records in the returned data
  • $expand - link up data
For available operators and functions to be used with $filter option, please refer to the documentation of the Open Data Protocol.
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The following examples illustrate some of the ways to retrieve data according to the Open Data Protocol.

Data Resources

Meeting attendance of the Seventh Legislative Council
Meeting attendance of the Sixth Legislative Council (2016 - 2021)