香港公眾假期及法定假日 |
主題: | 工商事務、人力事務 |
(a) | 慶祝或紀念特別日子或事件 - 例如國慶日、香港特別行政區成立紀念日、勞動節、8月30日紀念香港日佔結束的香港重光紀念日(現已剔除)及陣亡將士紀念日(現已剔除);及/或
(b) | 節慶日子及進行相關節慶活動 - 例如中秋節、清明節、重陽節、端午節、農曆年初二及年初三,以及佛誕。 |
1. | Carroll, J. (2007) A concise history of Hong Kong. The United States, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc.
2. | Chow, K. K. (1998) A complete revision of employees holiday in Hong Kong.
3. | England, J. & Rear, J. (1989) Industrial Relations and Law in Hong Kong. Hong Kong, Oxford University Press.
4. | Hetherington, R. M. (1961) Industrial labour in Hong Kong.
5. | International Labour Organization. (2004) Information sheet: Paid annual leave.
6. | International Labour Organization. (2013) Working Conditions Laws Report 2012.
7. | Labour and Welfare Bureau. (2015) Findings of a Survey on Statutory Holidays and General Holidays Taken by Employees in Hong Kong. LC Paper No. CB(2)798/14-15(03).
8. | Official Report of Proceedings of the Legislative Council. (1912) 27 February and 7 March.
9. | Official Report of Proceedings of the Legislative Council. (1961) 29 November and 27 December.
10. | Official Report of Proceedings of the Legislative Council. (1968) 14 February.
11. | Official Report of Proceedings of the Legislative Council. (1976) 9 June, 23 June, 7 July and 10 November.
12. | Official Report of Proceedings of the Legislative Council. (1982) 10 February, 5 May, 19 May and 27 October.
13. | Official Record of Proceedings of the Legislative Council. (2008) 21 May.
14. | Report of the Bills Committee on Holidays (Amendment) Bill 1998. (1998) LC Paper No. CB(2)109/98-99.
15. | Royal Bank of Scotland. (2015) St Lubbock and the birth of the bank holiday.
16. | UK House of Commons. (1871) Hansard. 4 May.
17. | UK House of Commons. (1875) Hansard. 24 February.
18. | Votes and Proceedings of the Legislative Council. (1875) 29 June and 7 July. |