應對網上虛假資訊的措施 |
主題: | 資訊科技及廣播、政制事務、虛假資訊、假新聞 |
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1. | Bloomberg. (2019) How fake news and rumors are stoking division in Hong Kong.
2. | GovHK. (2019a) Be cautious of fake news.
3. | GovHK. (2019b) Defamation not tolerated.
4. | GovHK. (2019c) LCQ4: Combat internet messages that are faked and prejudice public safety.
5. | GovHK. (2019d) Police urge for rational dialogue.
6. | GovHK. (2020) Clarifications.
7. | Hong Kong Public Opinion Research Institute. (2019) Which of the following channels are your main source of news?
8. | Legislative Council Secretariat. (2019a) Official Records of Proceedings of the Legislative Council. 11 December.
9. | Legislative Council Secretariat. (2019b) Official Records of Proceedings of the Legislative Council. 18 December.
10. | Minutes of Meeting of the Panel on Commerce and Industry of the Legislative Council. (2019) 19 November. LC Paper No. CB(1)330/19-20.
11. | Policy Innovation and Co-ordination Office. (2016) Investigating Hong Kong students' critical news literacy in the age of social media.
12. | South China Morning Post. (2020) Mythbusters: as Hong Kong coronavirus cases mount, so do social media falsehoods - the Post looks at a few doing the rounds.
13. | 《不看你絕對後悔:假新聞背後的「真相」》,《關鍵評論》,2017年1月1日。
14. | 《打擊假新聞須多管齊下》,《信報》,2019年5月27日。
15. | 《立法打擊假新聞恐成言論審查》,《立場新聞》,2019年12月14日。
16. | 《林鄭月娥:須認真研究如何監察網上假消息》,《香港電台》,2020年5月15日。
17. | 香港報業評議會:《香港報業評議會主席報告(2015年)》,2017年。
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18. | Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik. (2019) European elections: Social networks cooperate with BSI.
19. | CNN. (2019). Facebook will work with Germany to combat election interference, Sheryl Sandberg says.
20. | Conseil Constitutionnel. (2018) Decision no. 2018-773 DC of 20 December 2018.
21. | European Commission. (2019a) Finland: Media literacy and safe use of new media.
22. | European Commission. (2019b) Tackling online disinformation.
23. | European Commission. (2019c) Code of practice on disinformation.
24. | European Commission. (2019d) Annual self-assessment reports of signatories to the Code of Practice on Disinformation 2019.
25. | European Parliamentary Research Service. (2019) Automated tackling of disinformation.
26. | Faktabaari. (Undated) Welcome to Faktabaari.
27. | Official website of France government. (2018) Against information manipulation.
28. | Sweden Media Ombudsman. (Undated) How self-regulation works.
29. | The Guardian. (2020) How Finland starts its fight against fake news in primary schools.
30. | The Independent. (2019) Twitter rules out French government over anti-fake news law.
31. | Yle. (2015) President Niinistö on the Information War: We are all national defenders.
32. | Yle. (2016) US experts gird Finnish officials for information war.
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33. | MediaWrites. (2018) Singapore jumps on the fake news bandwagon.
34. | Ministry of Law. (2019) Protection from Online Falsehoods and Manipulation Bill: Four key things about the bill.
35. | New York Times. (2019) Singapore's bill on online falsehoods.
36. | Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights. (2019) Mandate of the Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of the right to freedom of opinion and expression.
37. | Singapore Statutes Online. (2019) Protection from Online Falsehoods and Manipulation Act 2019.
38. | Voice of America. (2020) Singapore's fake news and contempt laws a threat to media, journalists say.
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39. | Government Communication Service. (2018) Alex Aiken introduces the Rapid Response Unit.
40. | Government Communication Service. (2019) Rapid Response Unit: A year in digital trends.
41. | U.K. Parliament. (2019) Rapid Response Unit: Written question - 226754.
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42. | Centre for International Governance Innovation and Ipsos. (2019) CIGI-Ipsos Global Survey: Internet Security and Trust.
43. | Open Society Institute Sofia. (2019) Findings of the Media Literacy Index 2019.
44. | Poynter. (2019) A guide to anti-misinformation actions around the world.
45. | Reuters Institute. (2012) Regulating the press: A comparative study of international press councils.
46. | U.S. Library of Congress. (2019) Initiatives to counter fake news.