
主題: 資訊科技及廣播政制事務、虛假資訊、假新聞





  • 若干國家延聘外間合作夥伴,以提高打擊虛假資訊措施的公信力。例如,芬蘭為一家經營獨立事實查證服務的非政府機構Faktabaari提供支援。該機構會審視當前熱議的新聞報道,以至名人言論,評估其準確性及作出評級,並在網上公布結論。Faktabaari服務在2014年推出,在芬蘭交通及通訊部舉辦的比賽中籌得3萬歐羅(26萬港元)作為種子資金,另有從政府與多個基金會獲得其他資助。15註釋符號代表請參閱Faktabaari (Undated)。
  • 另一例子是德國在選舉等關鍵時期與社交網絡的合作。在2019年歐洲議會選舉前,德國聯邦資訊安全辦公室(Federal Office of Information Security)與主要社交媒體公司攜手合作,共同打擊虛假帳戶和虛假資訊。該辦公室向Facebook、Twitter及Google等主要網上平台尋求協助,為候選人核實社交媒體帳戶,並推出措施防禦駭客入侵及其他安全事故。16註釋符號代表請參閱Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik (2019)及CNN (2019)。







  • 虛假資訊有礙資訊流通,對公共安全、保安及其他社會議題帶來廣泛影響,掀起全球關注。因此,漸多海外地方加強措施,致力遏止虛假資訊的散播。法國和新加坡等地率先引入針對虛假資訊的法例,其他地方則採取較溫和的非規管處理方式。例如,英國成立內部小組,提升應對虛假資訊的能力。芬蘭及德國則尋求私人機構的支持,推行事實查證措施。歐盟依靠媒體自我規管,在新聞自由與監察虛假資訊之間求取平衡,芬蘭則致力提高民眾的媒體素養。香港或可借鑒這些例子,參考相關經驗,以助探索如何以更持續可行的方式,應對虛假資訊。



1.請參閱European Commission (2019b)。

2.請參閱Bloomberg (2019)及 South China Morning Post (2020)。

3.在2019年11月6日的立法會會議上,議員提出一項有關網上虛假資訊的立法會質詢。議員亦曾在另一次立法會會議及工商事務委員會會議上討論有關議題。請參閱GovHK (2019c)、Legislative Council Secretariat (2019b)及 Minutes of Meeting of the Panel on Commerce and Industry (2019)。

4.請參閱GovHK (2019a)及香港電台(2020年)。


6.請參閱Hong Kong Public Opinion Research Institute (2019)。

7.請參閱Centre for International Governance Innovation and Ipsos (2019)。

8.請參閱GovHK (2019c)。

9.請參閱GovHK (2020)及Legislative Council Secretariat (2019a)。

10.請參閱GovHK (2019b及2019d)。

11.新加坡和法國兩地的法例均引發當地民眾激烈討論。在香港,部分立法會議員關注到針對虛假資訊立法存在爭議,或會削弱言論自由。請參閱Legislative Council Secretariat (2019b)及立場新聞(2019年)。

12.請參閱U.K. Parliament (2019)及U.S. Library of Congress (2019)。


14.例如,快速反應小組曾透露,在2018年敍利亞化學武器襲擊事件中,該小組在發現與英國立場不符的虛假消息後數小時內,隨即將英國政府資訊的排名由第二百位以下,推高至第一位。請參閱Government Communication Service (2018及2019)。

15.請參閱Faktabaari (Undated)。

16.請參閱Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik (2019)及CNN (2019)。

17.請參閱European Commission (2019c及2019d)。


19.媒體委員會(瑞典語Mediernas Etiknämnd)成立於1916年,在全球同類機構中被視為歷史最悠久的一個組織。該委員會由多名委員組成,成員包括法官、媒體代表及公眾人士,與媒體申訴專員(Media Ombudsman)(前稱新聞申訴專員(Press Ombudsman))一併構成瑞典媒體業界的自律制度。該制度的經費來自瑞典4個主要媒體協會及4間廣播公司。

20.委員會可向違例者施加最高32,000瑞典克朗(25,378港元)的行政費,作為資助該會的款項,有關款項通常稱為罰款。違例者亦須公布有關該會裁決的聲明,作為補償。請參閱Reuters Institute (2012) 及U.S. Library of Congress (2019)。

21.請參閱Media Ombudsman (Undated)。

22.請參閱Policy Innovation and Co-ordination Office (2016)。

23.該部門隸屬教育及文化部,宗旨是推廣媒體教育,並為學童建立安全的媒體環境。請參閱European Commission (2019a)。

24.請參閱The Guardian (2020)。

25.請參閱Yle (2015及2016)。

26.請參閱Open Society Institute Sofia (2019)。

27.部分例子包括《電訊法》(Telecommunications Act)、《防止騷擾法》(Protection from Harassment Act)及《煽動法》(Sedition Act)。請參閱MediaWrites (2018)。

28.該法例將假資訊定義為虛假事實陳述,不包括意見、批評及諷刺。至於具損害性的網上假資訊,有關當局可就此發出命令,要求在假資訊旁邊加上更正訊息,讓讀者可審視資訊內容,並自行作出判斷。請參閱Singapore Statutes Online (2019)及 Ministry of Law (2019)。

29.請參閱Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (2019)。

30.新加坡駐美國大使在一篇評論文章澄清有關事宜。請參閱New York Times (2019)。

31.請參閱Voice of America (2020)。

32.法國可依賴現行《新聞自由法》(Law on Freedom of the Press)停止假新聞散播;《選舉守則》(Electoral Code)亦訂有條文,禁制散播可能影響選舉的假新聞。請參閱Poynter (2019)、U.S. Library of Congress (2019)及Official website of France government (2018)。

33.請參閱The Independent (2019)。

34.請參閱Conseil Constitutionnel (2018)。

35.請參閱European Parliamentary Research Service (2019)。



1.Bloomberg. (2019) How fake news and rumors are stoking division in Hong Kong.

2.GovHK. (2019a) Be cautious of fake news.

3.GovHK. (2019b) Defamation not tolerated.

4.GovHK. (2019c) LCQ4: Combat internet messages that are faked and prejudice public safety.

5.GovHK. (2019d) Police urge for rational dialogue.

6.GovHK. (2020) Clarifications.

7.Hong Kong Public Opinion Research Institute. (2019) Which of the following channels are your main source of news?

8.Legislative Council Secretariat. (2019a) Official Records of Proceedings of the Legislative Council. 11 December.

9.Legislative Council Secretariat. (2019b) Official Records of Proceedings of the Legislative Council. 18 December.

10.Minutes of Meeting of the Panel on Commerce and Industry of the Legislative Council. (2019) 19 November. LC Paper No. CB(1)330/19-20.

11.Policy Innovation and Co-ordination Office. (2016) Investigating Hong Kong students' critical news literacy in the age of social media.

12.South China Morning Post. (2020) Mythbusters: as Hong Kong coronavirus cases mount, so do social media falsehoods - the Post looks at a few doing the rounds.







18.Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik. (2019) European elections: Social networks cooperate with BSI.

19.CNN. (2019). Facebook will work with Germany to combat election interference, Sheryl Sandberg says.

20.Conseil Constitutionnel. (2018) Decision no. 2018-773 DC of 20 December 2018.

21.European Commission. (2019a) Finland: Media literacy and safe use of new media.

22.European Commission. (2019b) Tackling online disinformation.

23.European Commission. (2019c) Code of practice on disinformation.

24.European Commission. (2019d) Annual self-assessment reports of signatories to the Code of Practice on Disinformation 2019.

25.European Parliamentary Research Service. (2019) Automated tackling of disinformation.

26.Faktabaari. (Undated) Welcome to Faktabaari.

27.Official website of France government. (2018) Against information manipulation.

28.Sweden Media Ombudsman. (Undated) How self-regulation works.

29.The Guardian. (2020) How Finland starts its fight against fake news in primary schools.

30.The Independent. (2019) Twitter rules out French government over anti-fake news law.

31.Yle. (2015) President Niinistö on the Information War: We are all national defenders.

32.Yle. (2016) US experts gird Finnish officials for information war.


33.MediaWrites. (2018) Singapore jumps on the fake news bandwagon.

34.Ministry of Law. (2019) Protection from Online Falsehoods and Manipulation Bill: Four key things about the bill.

35.New York Times. (2019) Singapore's bill on online falsehoods.

36.Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights. (2019) Mandate of the Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of the right to freedom of opinion and expression.

37.Singapore Statutes Online. (2019) Protection from Online Falsehoods and Manipulation Act 2019.

38.Voice of America. (2020) Singapore's fake news and contempt laws a threat to media, journalists say.


39.Government Communication Service. (2018) Alex Aiken introduces the Rapid Response Unit.

40.Government Communication Service. (2019) Rapid Response Unit: A year in digital trends.

41.U.K. Parliament. (2019) Rapid Response Unit: Written question - 226754.


42.Centre for International Governance Innovation and Ipsos. (2019) CIGI-Ipsos Global Survey: Internet Security and Trust.

43.Open Society Institute Sofia. (2019) Findings of the Media Literacy Index 2019.

44.Poynter. (2019) A guide to anti-misinformation actions around the world.

45.Reuters Institute. (2012) Regulating the press: A comparative study of international press councils.

46.U.S. Library of Congress. (2019) Initiatives to counter fake news.
