
主题: 环境事务、外来入侵物种、生物多样性





1.外来物种具有入侵能力,因为这些物种(a)夺取原生物种的食物和栖息地;(b)猎杀当地原生动物或使原有植物窒息,以致原生物种绝种;(c)令环境受损及农产量减少;及(d)威胁人类健康。请参阅Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (2008)、European Environment Agency (2013)及The Biodiversity Consultancy (2019)。

2.鉴于外来入侵物种对生态系统及人类健康造成深远影响,全球各地在1992年签订一项称为《生物多样性公约》的国际条约。请参阅United Nations (1992)。

3.South China Morning Post (2018)。

4.过去3年,立法会议员曾分别在2017年2月22日及2017年11月22日的立法会会议上,提出两项有关外来入侵物种的立法会质询。议员亦在2019年5月29日的立法会会议上,讨论外来入侵物种的议题。请参阅GovHK (2017a和2017b)及Legislative Council Secretariat (2019)。

5.澳洲的生态系统在地理上与外隔绝,本质脆弱而易受外来入侵物种影响。过去200年来,由于外来入侵物种引入澳洲,当地脊椎动物绝种的比率为全球最高,而外来入侵物种目前仍是原生物种及农业的最大威胁。请参阅Department of Agriculture (2019b)及Sheppard and Broadhurst (2019)。

6.Genovesi et al. (2015)及Sheppard and Broadhurst (2019)。

7.例如,香港的石珊瑚物种数目多于加勒比海,而鸟类的物种数目则多于纽约及伦敦。香港的全球濒危物种包括江豚。请参阅Environmental Bureau (2016)及South China Morning Post (2017)。


9.巴西龟是全球百大有害外来入侵物种之一。请参阅GovHK (2015)、Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (2019)。

10.薇甘菊亦是全球百大有害外来入侵物种之一。请参阅GovHK (2013和2015)及Legislative Council Secretariat (2016)。

11.GovHK (2015和2017a)。


13.GovHK (2015)。

14.Environment Bureau (2016)及Advisory Council of the Environment (2018)。

15.South China Morning Post (2018)。

16.Whitfort et al. (2013)。

17.GovHK (2017b)及South China Morning Post (2018)。

18.相比其他国家,澳洲有高度的物种独特性(即物种只在澳洲发现),包括:46%鸟类、69%哺乳动物、94%两栖动物、93%开花植物及93%爬行动物。请参阅Invasive Plants and Animals Committee (2017b)。

19.Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (2019)。

20.当地在2018-2019年度有逾4 600名人员推行联邦生物安全措施。请参阅Department of Agriculture (2019b)及Centre for Invasive Species Solutions (2018)。

21.Invasive Plants and Animals Committee (2017a和2017b)及Inspector-General of Biosecurity (2019)。

22.Inspector-General of Biosecurity (2019)。


24.预计澳洲在2019-2022年间收取的"生物安全进口征费"高达3亿500万澳元(16亿港元),用于外来入侵物种相关的陆上监察、测试评估、数据分析、研究及新技术应用。请参阅Department of Agriculture (2019a)。

25.该威胁消减计划曾处理的外来入侵物种包括兔子、野猫、野猪、欧洲红狐及无人饲养的山羊。请参阅Department of the Environment and Energy (2019)及Inspector-General of Biosecurity (2019)。


27.Inspector-General of Biosecurity (2019)。

28.澳洲参议院的资料显示,外来入侵物种对澳洲造成的损害,主要来自多年前引入的物种,这在某程度上反映当地近年在外来入侵物种入境前的边检监察和风险评估工作取得成效。请参阅Parliament of Australia (2015)。

29.根据世界动物卫生组织2015年的资料,澳洲在生物安全制度的评估指标中,有83%取得满分,特别在管治、监察、执法、紧急应对、技术和社区参与等范畴表现卓越,在130个受评估的国家中名列前茅。请参阅World Organisation for Animal Health (2015)。



1.Advisory Council of the Environment. (2018) Progress of Implementation of Hong Kong Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan 2016-2021.

2.Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department. (2008) Alien Species in Hong Kong Wetland Park.

3.Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department. (2019) Freshwater turtles.

4.Environment Bureau. (2016) Hong Kong Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan 2016-2021.

5.GovHK. (2013) LCQ19: Mikania micrantha.

6.GovHK. (2015) LCQ22: Prevention of alien species' invasion of Hong Kong's natural environment.

7.GovHK. (2017a) LCQ4: Animal release activities.

8.GovHK. (2017b) LCQ12: Animal welfare.

9.Legislative Council Secretariat. (2016) Minutes of meeting. Paper for the Panel on Environmental Affairs meeting on 22 February 2016. LC Paper No. CB(1)857/15-16.

10.Legislative Council Secretariat. (2019) Official Records of Proceedings of the Legislative Council. 29 May.

11.South China Morning Post. (2017) Conservation in Hong Kong: citizen scientists enlisted to record and safeguard city's amazing biodiversity. 12 December.

12.South China Morning Post. (2018) More action urged on potentially invasive alien wildlife in Hong Kong. 24 March.

13.Whitfort et al. (2013) A Review of Hong Kong's Wild Animal and Plant Protection Laws.



15.Centre for Invasive Species Solutions. (2018) 2017-2018 Annual Report.

16.Department of Agriculture. (2019a) Biosecurity Imports Levy.

17.Department of Agriculture. (2019b) Priority list of exotic environmental pests and diseases.

18.Department of the Environment and Energy. (2019) Invasive species.

19.Parliament of Australia. (2015) Inquiry on Environmental Biosecurity.

20.Inspector-General of Biosecurity. (2019) Environmental biosecurity risk management in Australia, Review Report No. 2018-19/04.

21.Invasive Plants and Animals Committee. (2017a) Australian Pest Animal Strategy 2017-2027.

22.Invasive Plants and Animals Committee. (2017b) Australian Weeds Strategy 2017-2027.

23.Invasive Species Council. (2014) Stopping New Invasive Species Case Studies.

24.Invasive Species Council. (2018) KTPs & TAPs: Australia's failure to abate threats to biodiversity.

25.Sheppard and Broadhurst. (2019) Invasive species are Australia's number-one extinction threat.


26.European Environment Agency. (2013) Invasive alien species: a growing problem for environment and health.

27.Genovesi et al. (2015) EU adopts innovative legislation on invasive species: a step towards a global response to biological invasions? Biological Invasions, vol. 17(5).  

28.The United Nations. (1992) Convention of Biological Diversity.

29.World Organisation for Animal Health. (2015) PVS Evaluation Report: Australia.
