






  • 妥善管理公厕至为重要,但如使用者不注重公德,公厕服务及设施质素亦难以维持。因此,培养市民对公厕卫生的公德心,同样是保持公厕洁净的关键。就此,新加坡致力教育市民自幼使用公厕的适当礼仪。在2015年,新加坡卫浴文化协会推出"康乐公厕学前计划"(Happy Toilets @ Preschools),编制教学手册,鼓励幼稚园向幼童教授使用公厕时应有的良好习惯。45注释符号代表请参阅Restroom Association of Singapore (2015)。 中小学亦有类似的教育计划,学校会鼓励学生参与不同学习项目,例如装饰校內公厕及制作海报、影片及游戏等相关教材,以建立注重公厕礼仪的意识。46注释符号代表请参阅Restroom Association of Singapore (2019b)。
  • 新加坡卫浴文化协会亦编制"公厕设计维修指南",就设计及保养公厕设施向公厕拥有者/营运者提供各方面的指引。47注释符号代表请参阅Restroom Association of Singapore (2018)。 具体来说,在使用者教育方面,按照手册的建议,展示于公厕的教育信息应简单易明,能让不同教育程度的使用者易于理解,亦要显眼和易记,并张贴于出现卫生问题的合适位置。此外,新加坡卫浴文化协会在国家环境局支持下,自2009年起每年举办"齐来自律奖"(Let's Observe Ourselves Award),以表扬对维持或推动新加坡公厕清洁有贡献的各方。48注释符号代表请参阅Restroom Association of Singapore (2009)。 除了奖励遵循良好守则的机构(例如公厕拥有者、营运者及清洁承办商)外,亦会颁奖予在这方面有贡献的个别人士,例如为改善公厕状况倡议有效措施或提供有用意见的人士。


  • 确保公厕设施卫生、清洁、安全及得体,不但对构建市民的宜居社区环境至为重要,亦可令旅客对当地留下良好印象。因此,全球多个地方均致力在多方面改善/提升公厕设施和服务。例如,台湾及柏林尝试不同的管理方式,容许私营机构营运若干位于核心地区的公厕,以換取广告权,从而推动管理公厕的公司积极投资在公厕设施,或将设施现代化。此外,随着內地推行智慧都市计划,多个城市逐渐应用更多科技,将传统公厕设施转为智能公厕。除了提升硬件外,新加坡及台湾推行星级评级制度,用作恒常监察公厕状况,从而协助促进改善服务。新加坡亦致力培养市民的公德心,向不同目标群组推行各项教育计划。以上所述的各种措施或可提供有用参考,让香港借镜相关经验以探讨改善公厕设施及服务的方向。



1.请参阅Restroom Association of Singapore (2018)。

2.食环署管理本港约800间公厕及约50间旱厕(沒有任何沖水系统的乡村式干旱厕所)。请参阅Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (2019c)。

3.康文署管理辖下约630个设有公厕的设施和场地。请参阅Leisure and Cultural Services Department (2019)。

4.渔护署管理辖下约60间公厕、40间旱厕及120间流动公厕。请参阅Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (2019)。

5.其中有42间公厕会在这个财政年度进行翻新或优化。请参阅Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (2019a)及Food and Health Bureau (2019)。

6.请参阅Minutes of Meeting of the Panel on Food Safety and Environmental Hygiene of the Legislative Council (2019)。

7.食环署人员会透过实地巡查、突击检查及查核工作记录,监察承办商有否履行洁净服务合约。请参阅Food and Health Bureau and Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (2019)。

8.例如,深水埗鸭寮街公厕曾在2012-2013年度进行翻新,工程开支为672万港元。然而,根据一个本地倡议团体进行的研究,该公厕在2018年被评为"最差"公厕。请参阅香港01 (2018年)。

9.除了公厕外,食环署亦管理辖下约30间公共浴室。请参阅Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (2019b及2019e)。

10.请参阅Minutes of Meeting of the Panel on Food Safety and Environmental Hygiene of the Legislative Council (2019)。

11.一般而言,每支彻底洁净工作小队由1名管工兼司机及4名洁净工人组成。食环署计划在续订有关的街道洁净服务合约时,把上述服务推展至所有公厕,每年预算开支约为6,000万港元。请参阅Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (2019d)。

12.请参阅Food and Health Bureau and Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (2019)。

13.请参阅Minutes of Meeting of the Panel on Food Safety and Environmental Hygiene of the Legislative Council (2019)、东方日报(2019年)及经济日报 (2019年)。

14.请参阅South China Morning Post (2019a)及香港01 (2019年)。

15.请参阅Office of The Ombudsman (2019)。

16.请参阅Audit Commission (2019)。

17.请参阅行政院环境保护署:《环署推出公厕认养新模式 企业结合广告共创多赢契机》,2018年。

18.据报,使用频率较高的公厕每年营运开支约为100万元新台币(263,000港元)。请参阅苹果日报 (2018年)。



21.请参阅台中市政府环境保护局:《翻转老旧公厕 中市环保局邀企业认养绿美化》,2019年。

22.请参阅行政院环境保护署:《环署推出公厕认养新模式 企业结合广告共创多赢契机》,2018年。


24.此外,该公司可就每次使用公厕收取约0.5欧罗(4.6港元)的费用。请参阅Official website of the Berlin Government (2019)。

25.请参阅人民网 (2003年)。

26.请参阅经济日报 (2015年)。

27.请参阅Official website of the Berlin Government (2017)。

28.请参阅Official website of the Berlin Government (2018)。


30.根据官方网页的资料,自动公厕在2017年服务逾1 500万名使用者。请参阅Official website of the Paris Government (2019b)。

31.有关资料根据巴黎市政府2019年预算的非官方译文所得。请参阅Official website of the Paris Government (2019a)。

32.请参阅广州日报 (2019年)。



35.请参阅South China Morning Post (2019b)。

36.现时有超过1 200间公厕在该计划下进行评级。

37.请参阅Restroom Association of Singapore (undated)。

38.每个公厕评级均订有指定标准。例如:(a)三星级"清洁公厕"(Clean Restroom)须设有基本设施,并保持地面和设施合理干爽;(b)四星级"良好公厕"(Good Restroom)须符合额外要求,设有使用者友善设施,特别切合个别需要(例如更換尿片枱);(c)五星级"优质公厕"(Premium Restroom)须进一步符合采用环保设施的额外要求;及(d)六星级"华丽公厕"(Magnificent Restroom)在达到五星评级的标准之余,另须应用科技提升生产力和效率(例如自动收集意见系统和臭味监察),以及派驻合资格清洁工。


40.请参阅Restroom Association of Singapore (2019a)。

41.请参阅Restroom Association of Singapore (2016)。



44.请参阅行政院环境保护署:《环保署公布「如厕EASY 巡(寻)拿好礼」评比结果及中奖名单》,2019年。

45.请参阅Restroom Association of Singapore (2015)。

46.请参阅Restroom Association of Singapore (2019b)。

47.请参阅Restroom Association of Singapore (2018)。

48.请参阅Restroom Association of Singapore (2009)。



1.Audit Commission. (2019) Director of the Audit's Report No. 73. Chapter 1 - Planning, provision and management of public toilets by the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department.

2.Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department. (2019) Replies to initial written questions raised by Finance Committee Members in examining the Estimates of Expenditure 2019-20: Reply Serial No. ENB028.

3.Food and Environmental Hygiene Department. (2019a) Food and Environmental Hygiene Department Annual Report 2018.

4.Food and Environmental Hygiene Department. (2019b) Pleasant Environment Statistics 2015-2018.

5.Food and Environmental Hygiene Department. (2019c) Public Services: Cleansing Services.

6.Food and Environmental Hygiene Department. (2019d) Replies to initial written questions raised by Finance Committee Members in examining the Estimates of Expenditure 2019-20. Reply Serial No. FHB(FE)125.

7.Food and Environmental Hygiene Department. (2019e) Replies to initial written questions raised by Finance Committee Members in examining the Estimates of Expenditure 2019-20: Reply Serial No. FHB(FE)174.

8.Food and Health Bureau. (2019) Speaking note of the Secretary for Food and Health for the agenda item "Briefing by the Secretary for Food and Health on the Chief Executive's 2019 Policy Address" on 29 October 2019. LC Paper No. CB(2)89/19-20(01).

9.Food and Health Bureau and Food and Environmental Hygiene Department. (2019) Administration's paper on refurbishment of public toilets managed by the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department. LC Paper No. CB(2)1182/18-19(03).

10.Leisure and Cultural Services Department. (2019) Replies to initial written questions raised by Finance Committee Members in examining the Estimates of Expenditure 2019-20: Reply Serial No. HAB403.

11.Minutes of Meeting of the Panel on Food Safety and Environmental Hygiene of the Legislative Council. (2019) 16 April. LC Paper No. CB(2)1675/18-19.

12.Office of The Ombudsman. (2019) Press Release - Ombudsman probes Food and Environmental Hygiene Department's monitoring of outsourced street cleansing services and Government's management of public toilets.

13.South China Morning Post. (2019a) HK$500 million expected in budget to upgrade Hong Kong's toilets, but what can city learn from Singapore's clean experience?

14.South China Morning Post. (2019b) Reading a book in this Shanghai toilet could be a bad idea if you don't want to be disturbed.


16.《6亿逐步翻新240公厕 旅游区优先》,《东方日报》,2019年2月28日。

17.《6亿翻新240个公厕 增自动感应水龙头及电动干手机等》,《经济日报》,2019年2月27日。

18.《直击最佳及最差公厕 分别在于人流?》,《香港01》,2018年11月17日。

19.《柏林公厕大变身 厕所都可以吸金?》,《经济日报》,2015年11月20日。


20.Restroom Association of Singapore. (2009) Media release: First Loo Awards Recipients unveiled on World Toilet Day.

21.Restroom Association of Singapore. (2015) Media release: Restroom Association (Singapore) launches Happy Toilets @ Preschools.

22.Restroom Association of Singapore. (2016) Media release: Restroom Association (Singapore) unveils plans for SaniGives.

23.Restroom Association of Singapore. (2018) A Guide To Better Public Toilet Design and Maintenance (Fourth Edition).

24.Restroom Association of Singapore. (2019a) Loo Map Directory.

25.Restroom Association of Singapore. (2019b) STAR Awards Programme.

26.Restroom Association of Singapore. (Undated) Happy Toilet Programme.


27.《公厕推企业认养 未来增擦鞋、按摩服务》,《苹果日报》,2018年4月24日。  




31.行政院环境保护署:《环署推出公厕认养新模式 企业结合广告共创多赢契机》,2018年。


33.行政院环境保护署:《环保署公布「如厕EASY 巡(寻)拿好礼」评比结果及中奖名单》,2019年。

34.台中市政府环境保护局:《翻转老旧公厕 中市环保局邀企业认养绿美化》,2019年。


35.Official website of the Berlin government. (2017) Toilet tour in Berlin.

36.Official website of the Berlin government. (2018) Press release: Contract awarded for the construction and operation of public toilets for the next 15 years.

37.Official website of the Berlin government. (2019) Questions and answers about public toilets for Berlin.

38.Official website of the Paris government. (2019a) 2019 Budget of the city of Paris.

39.Official website of the Paris government. (2019b) Public toilets in Paris.

40.Wall. (2016) 25 years barrier-free city toilets in Berlin.

41.《小厕所 大智慧》,《广州日报》,2019年7月17日。


