
主题: 卫生事务、资讯科技




  • 新加坡政府自2010年代中期已策导远程医疗服务的发展。面对人口老化及非传染病带来日益沉重的医疗负担,当局期望藉远程医疗为民众提供更便捷和更高质素的医疗服务。新加坡政府的取态是全方位作出协调,一方面完善医疗规管框架,以涵盖远程医疗服务,并便利服务机构开发创新的远程医疗方案,另一方面,当局亦引入便利措施,鼓励医疗专业人员和病人采用远程医疗服务。



  • 卫生部为医疗专业人员提供免费网上培训课程,指导他们在确保病人安全和福祉的前提下,设计和提供远程医疗服务。截至2020年4月,据报已有955位医疗专业人员完成课程。23注释符号代表请参阅The Straits Times (2020)。



  • 发展远程医疗服务有不少潜在好处,除了为病人提供更便捷服务外,亦有助提高医疗服务的质素、效率和成本效益。由于人口老化和疫症爆发,市民对医疗服务的需求持续殷切,远程医疗不啻为纾缓问题的良方。可是,在爆发2019冠状病毒病疫情之前,香港发展远程医疗服务的步伐一直缓慢。
  • 尽管疫情之下近期遙距诊症的使用率有所增加,但推动远程医疗服务的长远发展,仍有赖政府加强各方面的工作,包括为医疗界的科技应用订立更明确的规管框架和指引、鼓励服务机构研发创新方案,以及鼓励医疗专业人员和病人踊跃采用。
  • 相比之下,新加坡自2010年代中期已积极策导远程医疗服务的发展。在明确指导方向和周全规管框架相辅相成之下,当地政府已就提供适切的远程医疗服务制订清晰指引,并借助监管沙盒计划,试验各种创新服务方案,更藉完善医疗界别的规管制度,把远程医疗服务纳入其中。此外,政府还提供诱因,鼓励医疗服务机构和病人使用新的远程医疗服务。



1.远程医疗(telehealth)和电子健康(eHealth)及遙距医疗(telemedicine)等词意思相近,世界各地的卫生当局会交替使用。视乎各地医疗界别应用资讯及通讯科技的程度和所提供的服务范围,该等用词的实际定义大同小异。为简明起见,本期《资讯述要》通篇使用"远程医疗" (telehealth)一词。

2.请参阅NEJM Catalyst (2018)。

3.请参阅Health Advances (2020)。

4.请参阅World Health Organization (2016)。

5.请参阅Hong Kong Economic Journal (2020)。

6.请参阅World Health Organization (2016)。

7.请参阅Health Advances (2020)。

8.请参阅Australian Government Department of Health (2014)。

9.请参阅NHS (undated)。

10.全球各地发展远程医疗的成果不一。部分地方远程医疗服务的发展相对落后,受制于多项因素,包括缺乏财政支援、缺乏接受过相关训练的医疗人员,以至资讯及通讯科技基础设施和规管框架有不足之处。请参阅World Health Organization (2016)。

11.一些学术研究显示,研究中受访病人只有少数曾使用相关服务。若他们所忧虑的安全、保安及通讯等问题得以解决,该等病人乐于以更便捷的方式接受医疗服务。请参阅Hui, E. (2008) 及Kung, K. et al. (2016)。

12.请参阅Food and Health Bureau (2020)。

13.请参阅Hong Kong Economic Journal (2020)及South China Morning Post (2020c)。

14.请参阅Lingnan University (2020)。

15."遙距医疗实务道德规范指引"中所指的"远程医疗",涵盖林林总总远程医疗服务,包括遙距诊症、远程监察,以及透过电讯系统向市民发放服务资讯及/或健康教育信息。请参阅The Medical Council of Hong Kong (2019)。

16.请参阅Hong Kong Trade Development Council (2020)、Mayer Brown (2020)及South China Morning Post (2020a)。

17.请参阅Food and Health Bureau (2019)及GovHK (2020)。

18.请参阅Health Advances (2020)、Hong Kong Trade Development Council (2020)及South China Morning Post (2020b)。

19.根据指导方针,远程医疗服务分为4大类别,即(a)现场与远程医疗专业人员进行遙距协作;(b)医疗专业人员与病人或照顾者遙距互动,进行远程治疗;(c)远程监察病人的生物医学和其他数据;及(d)透过网上服务,为病人或照顾者提供遙距支援。指导方针主要就首3类涉及资讯及通讯科技临床应用的远程医疗服务作出规管。请参阅Ministry of Health (2015)。

20.监管沙盒指特定界别规管当局所设置的框架,让私营企业可在受监管(例如获得特别豁免,或在特定时限免受若干限制)的环境下,实地进行小规模的创新项目测试。该概念率先在金融界别付诸实行,推动以新科技发展创新金融服务。请参阅CGAP (2017)。

21.请参阅Frontiers (2020)。


23.请参阅The Straits Times (2020)。





1.Food and Health Bureau. (2019) 2019 Policy Address - Policy Initiatives of the Food and Health Bureau. LC Paper No. CB(2)13/19-20(01).

2.Food and Health Bureau. (2020) Response to the issues raised in the letter dated 15 April 2020 from Dr Hon KWOK Ka-ki. LC Paper No. CB(2)856/19-20(01).

3.GovHK. (2020) Hospital Authority welcomes Policy Address. 25 November.

4.Hong Kong Economic Journal. (2020) The pandemic helps promote development of telemedicine in HK. 7 May.

5.Hong Kong Trade Development Council. (2020) The Post-Covid New Normal: The Rise of Telemedicine.

6.Hui, E. (2008) Telemedicine & Tele-rehabilitation in Elderly Care.

7.Kung, K. et al. (2016) An exploratory qualitative study on patients' views of medical e consultation in a public primary care setting. Hong Kong Practitioner, vol. 38 no. 4, pp. 120-127.

8.Lingnan University. (2020) Survey finds over 60% senior citizens are willing to try online medical consultations.

9.Mayer Brown. (2020) Telemedicine - Necessity Is the Mother Of Adoption - But Barriers Remain.

10.MIMS. (2020) Telemedicine in the time of COVID-19 and beyond.

11.The Medical Council of Hong Kong. (2019) The Medical Council of Hong Kong Ethical Guidelines on Practice of Telemedicine.

12.South China Morning Post. (2020a) Coronavirus crisis puts 'telemedicine' back in the picture for long-time advocates in Hong Kong but others warn of pitfalls. 17 March.

13.South China Morning Post. (2020b) Government should embrace innovation in health care sector, industry members say at 'Redefining Hong Kong Debate Series'. 15 January.

14.South China Morning Post. (2020c) The limits of telemedicine: on the rise amid coronavirus pandemic, doctors expect it to continue, but as adjunct to face-to-face consultations. 2 May.


15.CNA. (2018) MOH launches regulatory sandbox to support development of telemedicine. 18 April.

16.Infocomm Media Development Authority. (2020) Healthcare And Education SMEs To Receive More Support for Digitalisation.

17.Lexology. (2020) Singapore's Telehealth Expansion: Considerations for Providers.

18.Ministry of Health. (2015) National Telemedicine Guidelines.

19.Ministry of Health. (2018) MOH Launches First Regulatory Sandbox to Support Development of Telemedicine.

20.Ministry of Health. (2019) Licensing Experimentation and Adaptation Programme (LEAP) - A MOH Regulatory Sandbox.

21.Ministry of Health. (2020) Time-limited extension of CHAS subsidy and use of MediSave for follow up of chronic conditions through video consultations in view of COVID-19.

22.Rajah & Tann Asia. (2020) Telemedicine before, during and after COVID-19: Key Considerations and Issues.

23.The Straits Times. (2020) Coronavirus: More doctors attending to patients through video call. 4 May.


24.Australian Government Department of Health. (2014) Telehealth Pilots Programme.

25.CGAP. (2017) Working Paper - Regulatory Sandboxes and Financial Inclusion.

26.Eurisy. (2020) The strengthening of the health sector after the COVID-19 outbreak.

27.Frontiers. (2020) Telemedicine Across the Globe - Position Paper From the COVID-19 Pandemic Health System Resilience Program (Reprogram) International Consortium (Part 1).

28.Health Advances. (2020) Digital Health and the Global Pandemic - The Opportunities and Challenges for Virtual Care Worldwide.

29.NEJM Catalyst. (2018) What is Telehealth?

30.NHS. (undated) Technology Enabled Care Services (TECS).

31.World Health Organization. (2016) Global diffusion of eHealth: Making universal health coverage achievable.
