Paper no. | Title | Publication date |
ISSH24/2022 | International arbitration services in Hong Kong | 2022.09.09 |
ISSH02/2022 | Case assignments under Legal Aid System | 2022.02.10 |
ISSH31/20-21 | Duty Lawyer Service | 2021.07.02 |
IN06/20-21 | Constitutional Review in the United States and France | 2021.03.25 |
ISSH14/20-21 | Prosecutions and convictions | 2021.01.14 |
ISE07/19-20 | Electronic filing and proceedings in courts | 2020.05.28 |
ISSH23/19-20 | Manpower in Judiciary | 2020.04.07 |
IN04/19-20 | Review of judicial appointment process in selected places | 2020.03.02 |
ISSH04/19-20 | Mediation services in Hong Kong | 2019.10.29 |
ISSH27/18-19 | Legal aid for criminal proceedings in Hong Kong | 2019.05.31 |
ISSH11/18-19 | Judicial review and non-refoulement claims | 2018.12.05 |
ISSH35/17-18 | Legal aid for civil proceedings in Hong Kong | 2018.07.25 |
ISSH17/17-18 | Hong Kong as an international arbitration centre | 2018.03.23 |
FS06/17-18 | Practice of the legal profession in selected places | 2018.03.22 |
ISSH14/16-17 | Legal aid | 2016.12.15 |