Civil service and public officers - Hong Kong

Paper no.TitlePublication date
ISSH22/2022 Attractiveness of civil service jobs 2022.08.17
IN11/20-21 Monitoring of civil service performance in Singapore and South Korea 2021.05.26
ISE03/18-19 Civil service training institutes 2018.12.14
ISSH34/17-18 Training and development for civil servants 2018.07.09
ISSH10/17-18 Non-civil service contract staff 2018.01.26
ISSH35/16-17 Employment of persons with disabilities in the civil service 2017.09.27
IN04/16-17 Government outsourcing 2017.02.07
ISSH16/16-17 Attractiveness of civil service jobs 2016.12.23
ISE16/14-15 Appointment of special advisers 2015.07.14
IN01/13-14 Mechanisms governing sponsored visits/travel in Hong Kong and selected overseas places 2013.10.21
FS29/12-13 A summary of press reports on events relating to the handling of official entertainment, gifts and duty visits by Mr Timothy TONG, former Commissioner of the Independent Commission Against Corruption (from 1 April 2013 to 10 July 2013) (Chinese version only) 2013.07.10
FS26/12-13 Mechanism for approval of duty visits outside Hong Kong and reimbursement of expenditure on official entertainment and souvenirs in the Civil Service 2013.05.24
IN28/11-12 Remuneration Package for Appointees under the Political Appointment System 2012.05.18
FS25/11-12 Creation of the posts of Under Secretaries and Political Assistants 2012.05.14
IN13/11-12 Declaration of interest arrangement by the Chief Executive 2012.04.02
FS19/10-11 Administration's undertaking to provide benefits to staff of the two former municipal services departments 2011.04.21
RN19/10-11 Post-office employment arrangements for politically appointed officials (Chinese version only) 2011.01.07
  Woman participation in the Government of Hong Kong  
• Woman participation in the Legislative Council, the District Councils, the public sector advisory and statutory bodies, the Government of Hong Kong and selected overseas legislatures (as at 2010.02.23)
• Women in the Legislative Council, the District Council, the Government of Hong Kong and other Legislatures (as at 2004.03.19)
FS20/08-09 Directorate posts created for the Airport Core Programme and directorate posts created or planned to be created for the 10 Major Infrastructure Projects 2009.01.12
  Post-service employment of Mr LEUNG Chin-man  
• A summary of local press reports relating to the Grand Promenade incident from 27 October 2000 to 25 May 2006 (Chinese version only)
• A summary of local press reports relating to the Hunghom Peninsula incident from 25 September 1999 to 24 December 2007 (Chinese version only)
• A summary of local press reports relating to the post-service employment of Mr LEUNG Chin-man from 2 August to 28 October 2008 (Chinese version only)
FS08/05-06 Representation of Members and Civil Servants in Disciplinary Inquiries 2006.03.22
FS17/04-05 Newspaper Reports on the Proposed Assistant to Principal Officials (6 June 2005 to 13 July 2005) (Chinese version only) 2005.07.13
IN16/02-03 The Incident Relating to the Purchase of a Vehicle by Antony LEUNG, the Financial Secretary: Summary of Developments (5 March 2003 to 12 March 2003) (Chinese version only) 2003.03.12
FS08/01-02 Information on the Hong Kong Government Service (Levy on Salaries) Ordinances, 1936 and 1937 2002.05.23
IN28/01-02 Civil Service Pay Adjustment And Pay Trend Surveys 2002.05.17