Consumer protection

Paper no.TitlePublication date
ISE08/19-20 E-consumer protection 2020.06.11
IN19/16-17 Consumer protection for prepaid services contracts 2017.10.09
IN10/16-17 Regulation of sale of overseas properties 2017.04.26
ISE01/16-17 Consumer protection in electronic commerce 2016.10.25
IN11/10-11 Consumer protection in the United Kingdom and Singapore 2011.04.20
FS10/10-11 Consumer protection in Australia 2011.01.21
  Protection for banking consumers  
• Comparison of Measures to Protect Banking Consumers in the United Kingdom, the United States of America, Australia and Hong Kong
• Protection for Banking Consumers in the United Kingdom and the United States of America: Fees and Charges

This research discusses the practices of safeguarding the interests of banking consumers in the United Kingdom and the United States, covering the aspects of: (a) regulators for banking and financial services, (b) codes of banking practice, (c) resolution of consumer complaints, (d) relationship between interest rate deregulation and levying of fees and charges, (e) regulation of banks' fees and charges, (f) notification of increases in banks' fees and charges, and (g) accessibility to basic banking services.