Financial affairs - Banks and monetary authorities

Paper no.TitlePublication date
IN01/2023 Evolution of financial regulatory regime in the United Kingdom 2023.01.19
ISE30/20-21 Central bank digital currency 2021.10.12
IN17/16-17 Regulation of crowdfunding in selected places 2017.07.21
FS01/16-17 Challenges in opening bank accounts faced by certain enterprises 2016.11.10
FS21/12-13 Financial Services Development Council (Chinese version only) 2013.01.31
FS25/08-09 Remuneration of senior staff in selected central banks 2009.05.14
FS15/07-08 Appointment and tenure of office of the Monetary Authority in Hong Kong and the heads of central banks in selected places 2009.06.12
IN40/04-05 Board Composition of Selected Statutory Bodies, the Hong Kong Monetary Authority and the Mass Transit Railway Corporation Limited 2005.09.27
IN12/04-05 Overseas Securities and Futures Regulators 2004.12.28
  The Governance of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority and Comparable Authorities in Hong Kong and Overseas Jurisdictions  
• Responses to the Comments Made by Professor Charles Goodhart on the Research Report "The Governance of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority and Comparable Authorities in Hong Kong and Overseas Jurisdictions"
• The Governance of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority and Comparable Authorities in Hong Kong and Overseas Jurisdictions

This research studies the governance of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority and compares it with that of local government departments and statutory bodies, and overseas financial regulatory authorities. The comparison between the Hong Kong Monetary Authority and other authorities is conducted with respect to the powers and functions, organizational structure, funding arrangements, mechanism for approving and controlling expenditure, staff remuneration arrangements and accountability arrangements.