Bills Committee on
Companies (Corporate Rescue) Bill

Second meeting
on Thursday, 27 September 2001, at 10:45 am
in Conference Room A of the Legislative Council Building


I.Confirmation of minutes of meeting
(10:45 am - 10:46 am)

LC Paper No.
Minutes of first meeting on 12 July 200 CB(1)2071/00-01
(issued on 21 September 2001 vide LC Paper No. CB(1)2072/00-01)

II.Internal discussion
(10:46 am - 11:30 am)

- Briefing by the Clerk to Bills Committee and Assistant Legal Adviser

- Discussion

Papers for the meetingLC Paper No.

Summary of concerns of the Bills Committee on Companies (Amendment) Bill 2000


List of organizations invited to give views on the BillCB(1)2028/00-01

Summary of 13 submissionsCB(1)2026/00-01

List of 16 submissionsCB(1)2027/00-01

- Hong Kong Democratic FoundationCB(1)2027/00-01(01)

- Employers' Federation of Hong KongCB(1)2027/00-01(02)

- Labour Advisory Board CB(1)2027/00-01(03)

- Lingnan UniversityCB(1)2027/00-01(04)

- Protection of Wages on Insolvency Fund BoardCB(1)2027/00-01(05)

- Consumer CouncilCB(1)2027/00-01(06)

- The Chinese General Chamber of CommerceCB(1)2027/00-01(07)(Chinese version only)

- PricewaterhouseCoopers CB(1)2027/00-01(08)

- Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing LtdCB(1)2027/00-01(09)

- CCIF Corporate Advisory Services LtdCB(1)2027/00-01(10)

- The Law Society of Hong Kong CB(1)2027/00-01(11)

- The Chinese Manufacturers' Association of Hong KongCB(1)2027/00-01(12)

- The Hong Kong Association of BanksCB(1)2027/00-01(13)

- The Hong Kong Association of Restricted License Banks and Deposit-taking Companies

CB(1)2027/00-01(14)(English version attached)

- Hong Kong Society of AccountantsCB(1)2027/00-01(15)
(English version attached)
(Chinese translation to follow)

- The University of Hong KongCB(1)2027/00-01(16)(English version attached)(Chinese translation to follow)

Briefing by the Legal Service Division on Legal Aspects of the Companies (Corporate Rescue) BillLS 168/00-01

The Bill and related papers

The BillCB(3)683/00-01(issued on 18 May 2001)

The Legislative Council Brief issued by the Financial Services Bureau (Ref: C2/1/12/1C(2001) IX)

--(issued on 18 May 2001)

The Legal Service Division Report LS 100/00-01(issued on 24 May 2001 vide LC Paper No. CB(2)1637/00-01)

III.Meeting with the Administration
(11:30 am - 12:45 pm)

LC Paper No.

The Administration's response to the submissions received by the Bills Committee (8 submissions - LC Paper Nos. CB(1)2027/00-01(01) to (08))


The Administration's response to the submissions received by the Bills Committee (5 submissions - LC Paper Nos. CB(1)2027/00-01(09) to (13))CB(1)2073/00-01(02)

IV.Any other business
(12:45 pm onwards)

Legislative Council Secretariat
26 September 2001