Item No. | Subject
1.EC(2001-02)14 | Proposed creation of one permanent post of Administrative Officer Staff Grade C (D2) in the Information Services Department to serve as the Press Secretary to the Financial Secretary
(In attendance : | The Principal Assistant Secretary for Home Affairs/the Deputy Director of Information Services/the Principal Executive Officer, Information Services Department)
2.EC(2001-02)15 | Proposed creation of three supernumerary posts of one Administrative Officer Staff Grade B (D3) and one Chief Engineer (D1) in the new Industry Review Division, and one Deputy Principal Government Counsel (DL2) in the existing Legal Advisory Division of the Works Bureau of Government Secretariat for three years; and increase in establishment ceiling of the Planning and Lands Bureau and Works Bureau of Government Secretariat in 2001-02 from $101,415,000 by $5,290,320 to $106,705,320 for creation of nine non-directorate posts to take forward the comprehensive package of improvement measures recommended by the Construction Industry Review Committee
(In attendance : | The Deputy Secretary for Works/the Legal Advisor, Works Bureau/the Principal Assistant Secretary for Works/the Principal Executive Officer, Works Bureau)
3.EC(2001-02)16 | Proposed creation of one supernumerary post of Senior Principal Executive Officer (D2) in the Department of Health for 18 months to coordinate necessary preparatory and planning work related to the Health Care Reform
(In attendance : | The Deputy Secretary for Health and Welfare/the Deputy Director of Health/the Assistant Director of Health)
4.EC(2001-02)17 | Proposed creation of one permanent post of Senior Principal Executive Officer (D2) in the Education and Manpower Bureau of Government Secretariat with effect from 15 August 2001 and increase in the establishment ceiling in 2001-02 from $40,690,000 by $2,170,980 to $42,860,980 to enable the creation of four non-directorate posts in the Bureau to cope with the workload on basic education and early childhood education
(In attendance : | The Deputy Secretary for Education and Manpower/the Principal Assistant Secretaries for Education and Manpower)
5.EC(2001-02)18 | Proposed creation of one supernumerary post of Chief Engineer (D1) in the Transport Department for five years to head a new Pedestrian Facilities Division under the Urban Regional Office
(In attendance : | The Principal Assistant Secretary for Transport/the Assistant Commissioner for Transport)
6.EC(2001-02)19 | Proposed merger of the Amenities Officer and Recreation and Sport Officer grades to form a new Leisure Services Manager grade; and retention of the personal pay scale by serving Amenities Officers II upon regrading to the new grade whilst they are in the Assistant Leisure Services Manager II rank
(In attendance : | The Deputy Secretary for Home Affairs/the Principal Assistant Secretary for Home Affairs/the Director of Leisure and Cultural Services/the Deputy Directors of Leisure and Cultural Services/the Assistant Directors of Leisure and Cultural Services)