Revised Agenda for
Public Works Subcommittee Meeting
to be held on Wednesday, 13 June 2001
at 10:45 a.m. in Legislative Council Chamber
in the Legislative Council Building

Item No.Subject
Head 708 - Capital Subventions and Major Systems and Equipment

1*.PWSC(2001-02)44 29EDRedevelopment of Hong Chi Pinehill School, Tai Po

30EDRedevelopment of Hong Chi Pinehill No. 3 School, Tai Po

Head 706 - Highways

2*.PWSC(2001-02)47 40TRWest Rail (Phase 1) - essential public infrastructure works for the Kam Tin section - remaining works

3.PWSC(2001-02)52 711THRoute 9 between Tsing Yi and Cheung Sha Wan

Head 707 - New Towns and Urban Area Development

4.PWSC(2001-02)45 225CL Hung Shui Kiu development, stage II - remaining engineering infrastructure and site formation works

Head 703 - Buildings

5.PWSC(2001-02)51 70KA Purchase and fitting-out of office accommodation for the Office ofThe Ombudsman

Head 708 - Capital Subventions and Major Systems and Equipment

6.PWSC(2001-02)49 16EJStudent hostel - phase 3 (523 places), City University of Hong Kong

* Agenda items marked with asterisk (*) are deferred from the meeting held on 6 June 2001.

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