Subcommittee to follow up the outstanding capital works projects
of the former municipal councils

Meeting on Thursday, 3 May 2001 at 8:30 am
in Conference Room A of the Legislative Council Building

Revised agenda

I Confirmation of minutes of meeting

[LC Paper No. CB(2) 1398/00-01-minutes of meeting on 1 March 2001 (issued)]

II Funding mechanism for the ex-PMC projects

[LC Paper No. CB(2) 1410/00-01(01)-Secretary for the Treasury's reply of 25 April 2001 to the Subcommittee Chairman (attached) (Chinese version to follow)]

[LC Paper No. CB(2) 1410/00-01(02)-Subcommittee Chairman's letter of 9 April 2001 to the Secretary for the Treasury (attached)]

III Retro-fitting of air-conditioning to existing markets and cooked food centres

[LC Paper No. CB(2) 1216/00-01(01)-The Administration's paper provided for the meeting on 4 April 2001 (issued)]

IV Progress of the Hammer Hill District Park, Kowloon Bay Recreation Ground and Stanley Complex

[LC Paper No. CB(2) 1410/00-01(03)-Paper from the Administration (attached)]

V Any other business

Legislative Council Secretariat
27 April 2001