Subcommittee to follow up the outstanding capital works projects
of the former municipal councils

Meeting on Thursday, 22 May 2003 at 8:30 am
in Conference Room B of the Legislative Council Building


I.Confirmation of minutes of meeting
(8:30 am - 8:35 am)

LC Paper No. CB(2) 1989/02-03
(issued on 6.5.2003)

-Minutes of the meeting on 19 February 2003

II.Paper(s) issued since the last meeting
(8:35 am - 8:40 am)

LC Paper No.CB(2) 2083/02-03(01)
(issued on 14.5.2003)

-Time-table of the redevelopment of Tai Po Jockey Club Swimming Pool provided by the Administration

III.Retro-fitting of air-conditioning and general improvement works to 19 existing markets and/or cooked food centres
(8:40 am - 9:10 am)

LC Paper No.CB(2)2107/02-03(01)

-Paper provided by the Administration

IV.Up-to-date position of projects involving leisure and cultural facilities
(9:10 am - 9:45 am)

LC Paper No.CB(2)2107/02-03(02)
(to follow)

-Paper provided by the Administration

V.The way forward
(9:45 am - 10:30 am)

LC Paper No.CB(2)2107/02-03(03)
(to follow)

-Paper prepared by the LegCo Secretariat

Council Business Division 2
Legislative Council Secretariat
19 May 2003