I | Confirmation of minutes and matters arising
(9:30 am - 9:35 am)
| LC Paper No. CB(1)584/00-01 (issued)
| - | Minutes of special meeting held on 8 December 2000; and
| LC Paper No. CB(1)882/00-01 (issued)
| - | Minutes of special meeting held on 13 February 2001
II | Information papers issued since last meeting
| LC Paper No. CB(1)737/00-01 | - | Tables and graphs showing the import and retail prices of major oil products from February 1999 to January 2001
III | Items for discussion at the next meeting scheduled for 23 April 2001
(9:35 am - 9:40 am)
| LC Paper No. CB(1)881/00-01(01) (issued)
| - | List of outstanding items for discussion; and
| LC Paper No. CB(1)881/00-01(02) (issued)
| - | List of follow-up actions
*IV | Maintenance and repair of gas service pipes along external walls of private premises
(9:40 am - 10:15 am)
| LC Paper No. CB(1)646/00-01(06) (issued)
| - | Information paper provided by the Administration
#V | Mid-stream fee and related issues
(10:15 am - 11:15 am)
| LC Paper No. CB(1)881/00-01(03) (issued)
| - | Information paper provided by the Administration;
| LC Paper No. CB(1)881/00-01(04) (issued)
| - | Submission provided by the Federation of Hong Kong Industries (in Chinese version only);
| LC Paper No. CB(1)881/00-01(05) (issued)
| - | Letter from
(in Chinese version only);
| LC Paper No. CB(1)881/00-01(06) (issued)
| - | Submission provided by the Hong Kong Textiles and Garments Seven Associations;
| LC Paper No. CB(1)900/00-01(01) (attached)
| - | Submission from the Hong Kong Mid-stream Operators Association (in Chinese version only); and
| LC Paper No. CB(1)900/00-01(02) (attached)
| - | Joint statement made by the Hong Kong Business Community Joint Conference (in Chinese version only)
#VI | Terminal handling charges and related issues
(11:15 am - 12:15 pm)
| LC Paper No. CB(1)881/00-01(03) (issued)
| - | Information paper provided by the Administration;
| LC Paper No. CB(1)799/00-01 (issued)
| - | Letter from the Chairman of the Shippers' Council on "Competitiveness of the Hong Kong Port" (in English version only)
VII | Any other business
(12:15 pm onward)