LegCo Panel on Home Affairs
Meeting on
Tuesday, 12 December 2000 at 2:30 pm
in the Chamber of the Legislative Council Building
I. | Confirmation of minutes
(2:30 pm - 2:35 pm)
| [LC Paper No. CB(2)440/00-01 | - | minutes of meeting on 14 November 2000]
II. | Information papers issued since the last meeting
| [Paper No. CB(2)238/00-01(01) | - | Paper entitled "Work of the Leisure and Cultural Services Department" provided by the Administration (issued on 13 November 2000)]
| [LC Paper No. CB(2)253/00-01 | - | Proceedings of the Conference on "Equal Pay for Work of Equal Value" organized by the Equal Opportunities Commission (issued on 14 November 2000)]
III. | Items for discussion at the next meeting
(2:35 pm - 2:40 pm)
| [Appendix I to LC Paper No. CB(2)435/00-01 | - | List of discussion items suggested for future meetings]
| [Appendix II to LC Paper No. CB(2)435/00-01 | - | List of follow-up actions]
IV. | Discrimination on the ground of sexual orientation
(2:40 pm - 4:00 pm)
- Meeting with deputations
- Horizons
[Paper No. CB(2)435/00-01(02)]
- The Satsanga
[Paper No. CB(2)435/00-01(03) (Chinese version only)]
- Rainbow Action
[Paper No. CB(2)460/00-01(01) (Chinese version only)]
- Rainbow of Hong Kong
- Association for the Advancement of Feminism
[Paper No. CB(2)435/00-01(04) (Chinese version only)]
- Civil Rights for Sexual Diversities
[Paper No. CB(2)435/00-01(05)]
- Movement Against Discrimination
[Paper No. CB(2)480/00-01(01) (Chinese version only)]
- Society for Truth and Light Ltd
[Paper No. CB(2)460/00-01(04) (Chinese version only)]
- Hong Kong Women Christian Council (submission to follow)
- Hong Kong Christian Institute
[Paper No. CB(2)435/00-01(06)]
- Christian & Missionary Alliance Church Union Hong Kong Ltd
[Paper No. CB(2)460/00-01(03) (Chinese version only)]
- Chi Heng Foundation
[Paper No. CB(2)435/00-01(07)]
- Hong Kong Blessed Minority Christian Fellowship
[Paper No. CB(2)435/00-01(09)]
- Hong Kong Ten Percent Club
[Paper No. CB(2)460/00-01(02) (Chinese version only)]
- Dr Andy CHIU
[Paper No. CB(2)480/00-01(02) (Chinese version only)]
Written submission received
- Queer Sisters
[Paper No. CB(2)435/00-01(08) (Chinese version only)]
- International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission
[Paper No. CB(2)435/00-01(10)]
- Meeting with the Administration
| [Paper No. CB(2)207/00-01(01) | - | paper provided by the Administration (previously issued for the meeting on 14 November 2000)]
V. | Library policies and progress of building the new Hong Kong Central Library
(4:00 pm - 4:25 pm)
| [Paper No. CB(2)435/00-01(01) | - | paper provided by the Administration]
VI. | Any other business
(from 4:25 pm onwards)
Legislative Council Secretariat
12 December 2000