LegCo Panel on Health Services
Subcommittee on improvements to the medical complaints mechanism
Meeting on
Wednesday, 21 November 2001 at 8:30 am
in Conference Room A of the Legislative Council Building
I. | Meeting with the Administration
(8:30 am - 10:25 am)
| (a) | Key problems of the existing patient complaint system based on the opinions collected in the previous meetings and the proposed direction for improving the patient complaint system
| | LC Paper No.CB(2)436/01-02(01) - paper provided by the Administration
| (b) | Complaint system of the Hospital Authority and medical institutes regulated by the Department of Health
| (c) | The amount of compensation paid by the Hospital Authority for medical cases in the past three years
| | LC Paper No.CB(2)844/01-02(01) - paper provided by the Administration
II. | Date of next meeting and items for discussion
Council Business Division 2
Legislative Council Secretariat
15 January 2002