LegCo Panel on Transport
Subcommittee on matters relating to the
implementation of railway development projects
Meeting on
Tuesday, 10 July 2001, at 9:00 am
in Conference Room A of the Legislative Council Building
Revised agenda
I. | Confirmation of minutes and matters arising
(9:00 am - 9:10 am)
| - Bidding programme of the Shatin to Central Link
| LC Paper No. CB(1)1453/00-01 | - | Minutes of meeting held on 8 March 2001;
| LC Paper No. CB(1)1716/00-01(01) | - | Extract of minutes of meeting between LegCo Members and Kowloon City District Council on 12 April 2001; and
| LC Paper No. CB(1)1555/00-01(01) | - | Development of railway projects in Kowloon City District
II. | An update on the progress of the KCR West Rail project
(9:10 am - 10:30 am)
| LC Paper No. CB(1)1716/00-01(02) | - | Presentation materials provided by the Kowloon-Canton Railway Corporation; and
| LC Paper No.CB(1)1737/00-01(01) | - | Information paper provided by the Kowloon-Canton Railway Corporation
III. | Any other business
(10:30 am onwards)
Legislative Council Secretariat
6 July 2001