I. | Confirmation of minutes of previous meeting
(2:30 pm - 2:35 pm)
| LC Paper No. CB(1) 687/01-02 | - | Minutes of the joint meeting with the Planning, Lands and Works Panel held on 1 November 2001
| LC Paper No. CB(1) 867/01-02 | - | Minutes of the joint meeting with the Planning, Lands and Works Panel and the Transport Panel held on 27 November 2001
| LC Paper No. CB(1) 891/01-02 | - | Minutes of the joint meeting with the Transport Panel held on 13 December 2001
| LC Paper No. CB(1) 917/01-02 | - | Minutes of the meeting held on 13 December 2001
II. | Information paper issued since last meeting
| LC Paper No. CB(1) 661/01-02 | - | Referral from Duty Roster Members on the request of the Wong Tai Sin District Council for the decking of the Kai Tak Nullah
| LC Paper No. CB(1) 689/01-02 | - | Information note on the Progress of Tolo Harbour Sewerage of Unsewered Areas Stages 1 and 2 Works provided by the Administration
| LC Paper No. CB(1) 766/01-02 | - | Submission from a Mr CHOY Chi-ming, together with the Administration's reply to his concerns about the level of sulphur dioxide emissions from power generating facilities in Hong Kong
| LC Paper No. CB(1) 822/01-02 | - | A copied letter from Mr Manab CHAKRABORTY, Executive Director of Kadoorie Farm and Botanic Garden Corporation, to the Secretary for Security regarding the impact of development of Frontier Closed Area on ecologically important areas within its boundaries
III. | Date of next meeting and items for discussion
(2:35 pm - 2:40 pm)
| LC Paper No. CB(1) 918/01-02(01) | - | List of follow-up actions arising from discussion
| LC Paper No. CB(1) 918/01-02(02) | - | List of outstanding items for discussion
*IV. | Proposed amendments to the Technical Memorandum on effluent standards under the Water Pollution Control Ordinance
(2:40 pm - 3:10 pm)
| LC Paper No. CB(1) 918/01-02(03) | - | Information paper provided by the Administration
V. | Mechanism of Environmental Impact Assessment
(3:10 pm - 4:30 pm)
| Meeting with deputations
| Prof LAM Kin-che , Chinese University of Hong Kong
| LC Paper No. CB(1) 918/01-02(04) | - | Submission from Prof LAM Kin-che (English version only)
| Conservancy Association
| LC Paper No. CB(1) 566/01-02(03) | - | Submission from the Association (English version only)(issued for the meeting on 13 December 2001)
| World Wide Fund for Nature for Hong Kong
| LC Paper No. CB(1) 566/01-02(05) | - | Submission from the World Wide Fund for Nature for Hong Kong (issued for the meeting on 13 December 2001)
| The Association of Consulting Engineers of Hong Kong
| LC Paper No. CB(1) 918/01-02(05) | - | Submission from the Association (English version only)
| Hong Kong Institute of Architects
| LC Paper No. CB(1) 604/01-02(02) | - | Submission from the Institute (English version only) (issued for the meeting on 13 December 2001)
| Hong Kong Institution of Engineers
| LC Paper No. CB(1) 566/01-02(06) | - | Submission from the Institution (English version only) (issued for the meeting on 13 December 2001)
| Hong Kong Institute of Environmental Impact Assessment
| LC Paper No. CB(1) 604/01-02(01) | - | Submission from the Institute (English version only) (issued for the meeting on 13 December 2001)
| Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors
| LC Paper No. CB(1) 566/01-02(07) | - | Submission from the Institute (English version only) (issued for the meeting on 13 December 2001)
| Real Estate Developers Association of Hong Kong
| Submissions from the following organizations not attending the meeting
| LC Paper No. CB(1) 566/01-02(04) | - | Submission from the Friends of the Earth (issued for the meeting on 13 December 2001)
| LC Paper No. CB(1) 566/01-02(08) | - | Submission from the Institute of Planners (English version only) (issued for the meeting on 13 December 2001)
| LC Paper No. CB(1) 566/01-02(09) | - | Submission from the Advisory Council on the Environment (English version only) (issued for the meeting on 13 December 2001)
| Meeting with the Administration
| LC Paper No. CB(1) 566/01-02(10) | - | Background brief prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat (issued for the meeting on 13 December 2001)
| LC Paper No. CB(1) 566/01-02(11) | - | Information paper provided by the Administration (issued for the meeting on 13 December 2001)
| LC Paper No. CB(1) 918/01-02(06) | - | Summary of views on the mechanism of Environmental Impact Assessment
| LC Paper No. CB(1) 918/01-02(07) | - | Administration's response to CB(1) 918/01-02(06)
VI. | Any other business