LegCo Panel on Financial Affairs

Special meeting on
Tuesday, 26 February 2002 at 10:45 am
in the Chamber of the Legislative Council Building


* I.Consumer protection in the banking sector
(10:45 am - 12:30 pm)

Presentation by the Administration

LC Paper No. CB(1)1114/01-02(01)
issued on 20 February 2002
-Paper on "Consumer Protection in the Banking Sector" provided by the Administration

LC Paper No. CB(1)1114/01-02(02)
issued on 20 February 2002
-Paper on "Progress on the Deposit Insurance Scheme" provided by the Administration

LC Paper No. CB(1)1114/01-02(03)
issued on 20 February 2002
-Paper on "Exchange Rates of Credit Card Overseas Transactions" provided by the Administration

LC Paper No. CB(1)1114/01-02(04)
issued on 20 February 2002
-Paper on "Recovery of Debts by Banks from Personal Referees" provided by the Administration

LC Paper No. CB(1)1112/00-01(02)
issued on 27 April 2001
-Report on "Comparative study on banking consumer protection and competition arrangements in the United Kingdom, Australia and Hong Kong" provided by the Hong Kong Monetary Authority

Presentation by the LegCo Secretariat

LC Paper No. CB(1)626/01-02(02)
issued on 17 December 2001
-Paper on "Reference materials for deliberation on the protection for consumers in the banking sector" prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat

LC Paper No. CB(1)626/01-02(01)
issued on 17 December 2001
-Research paper on "Protection for Banking Consumers in the United Kingdom and the United States of America: Fees and Charges" provided by the Research and Library Services Division of the Legislative Council Secretariat

Presentation by attending organizations-

The Hong Kong Association of Banks

The Hong Kong Association of Restricted Licence Banks and Deposit-taking Companies (The DTC Association)

Consumer Council
issued on 22 February 2002
-LC Paper No. CB(1)1113/01-02(02)

Discussion with the Administration and attending organizations-

All the above papers and the following papers-

LC Paper No. CB(1)1113/01-02(01)
issued on 22 February 2002
-Submission of views from a member of the Eastern District Council

LC Paper No. CB(1)806/01-02(01)
issued on 14 January 2002
-Letter from Hon SIN Chung-kai regarding the fees charged by banks for credit card payments in foreign currencies

LC Paper No. CB(1)644/01-02(01)
issued on 19 December 2001
-Extract of minutes of meeting between LegCo Members and Shatin District Council Members on 29 November 2001 regarding the recovery of debts by banks and other authorized institutions from personal referees

LC Paper No. CB(1)344/01-02
issued on 16 November 2001
-"The Revised Code of Banking Practice" launched on 15 November 2001 jointly by the Hong Kong Monetary Authority, the Hong Kong Association of Banks, and the Deposit-taking Companies Association

II.Any other business
(12:30 pm onwards)

* All other LegCo Members are invited to join the discussion of this item.

Legislative Council Secretariat
22 February 2002