I. | Confirmation of minutes
(10:45 am - 10:50 am)
| [LC Paper No. CB(2)654/01-02 | - | minutes of meeting held on 9 November 2001 (issued on 11 December 2001)]
II. | Information paper issued since the last meeting
III. | Items for discussion at the next meeting
(10:50 am - 10:55 am)
| [Appendix I to LC Paper No. CB(2)667/01-02 | - | List of discussion items for future meetings (attached)]
| [Appendix II to LC Paper No. CB(2)667/01-02 | - | List of follow-up actions (attached)]
IV. | Review of the visits system of the Justices of the Peace
(10:55 am - 11:25 am)
| [LC Paper No. CB(2)667/01-02(01) | - | paper provided by the Administration(attached)]
| [LC Paper No. CB(2)667/01-02(02) | - | extract of the Report of the Subcommittee on the Prison (Amendment) Rules 2000, Immigration (Vietnamese Migrants) (Detention Centres) (Amendment) Rules 2000 and Probation of Offenders (Amendment) Rules 2000 on 2 November 2000 (attached)]
*V. | Review of the supernumerary Deputy Director (Administration) and Assistant Director (Finance) posts in the Leisure and Cultural Services Department
(11:25 am - 12:00 noon)
| [LC Paper No. CB(2)278/01-02(01) | - | paper provided by the Administration(issued on 6 November 2001)]
| [LC Paper No. CB(2)667/01-02(03) | - | supplementary information provided by the Administration (attached)]
*VI. | The Consultation Paper of the Hong Kong Press Council on qualified libel privilege
(12:00 noon - 12:45 pm)
| [LC Paper No. CB(2)667/01-02(04) | - | paper provided by the Hong Kong Press Council (Chinese version only) (attached)]
| [LC Paper No. CB(2)667/01-02(05) | - | draft bill provided by the Hong Kong Press Council (English version only) (attached)]
| [LC Paper No. CB(2)667/01-02(06) | - | background paper prepared by the Secretariat (attached)]
| [LC Paper No. CB(2)667/01-02(07) | - | submission provided by the Hong Kong Journalists Association (attached)]
| [LC Paper No. CB(2)667/01-02(08) | - | submission provided by the Society of Publishers in Asia (attached)]
| [LC Paper No. CB(2)449/01-02 | - | articles written by Hon Margaret NG and relevant press cuttings (issued on 21 November 2001)]
VII. | Any other business