Panel on Constitutional Affairs
Special meeting on
Thursday, 15 January 2004 from 8:30 am to 9:30 am
in the Chamber of the Legislative Council Building
- Briefing by the Administration on the Chief Executive's Policy Address 2004
(8:30 am - 9:30 am)
Address made by the Chief Executive at the Council meeting on 7 January 2004 (issued)
2004 Policy Agenda (issued)
Press releases
LC Paper No. CB(2)981/03-04(01) (attached)
| - | Transcript of Chief Executive's press conference on Policy Address on 7 January 2004
LC Paper No. CB(2)981/03-04(02) (attached)
| - | Statement of Chief Secretary on constitutional development after 2007 at a post Policy Address press conference on 7 January 2004
LC Paper No. CB(2)981/03-04(03) (attached)
| - | Transcript of Chief Secretary, Secretary for Justice and Secretary for Constitutional Affairs at the press conference on 7 January 2004
LC Paper No. CB(2)981/03-04(04) (attached)
| - | Transcript of Secretary for Constitutional Affairs after radio programmes on 8 January 2004
LC Paper No. CB(2)981/03-04(05) (attached)(Chinese version only)
| - | Transcript of Chief Secretary after radio programmes on 8 January 2004
Papers provided by the Administration
LC Paper No. CB(2)981/03-04(06) (attached)
| - | Progress Report on 2003 Policy Agenda
LC Paper No. CB(2)981/03-04(07) (attached)
| - | 2004 Policy Agenda
LC Paper No. CB(2)1003/03-04(01) (to follow)
| - | Task Force on Constitutional Development
Other papers
LC Paper No. CB(2)988/03-04(01) (issued on 14 January 2004)
| - | A summary of views of deputations on review of the method for selecting the Chief Executive under the Basic Law received by the Panel on 16 June 2003 prepared by the LegCo Secretariat
LC Paper No. FS11/03-04 (issued on 14 January 2004 vide LC Paper No. CB(2)988/03-04)(Chinese version only)
| - | Fact sheet on "Newspaper reports on legal debate on the future development of the political system in Hong Kong (1 January 2003 - 14 January 2004)" prepared by the Research and Library Services Division of the LegCo Secretariat
- Any other business
(a) | Follow up to Panel meeting on 15 December 2003
| LC Paper No. CB(2)981/03-04(08) (attached)
| - | Extract of minutes of meeting on 15 December 2003 on "Timetable for public consultation and review on constitutional development"
(b) | Date and agenda of the next meeting
The next regular meeting of the Panel has been scheduled for 2:30 pm on 16 February 2004
Council Business Division 2
Legislative Council Secretariat
14 January 2004