Panel on Constitutional Affairs
Meeting on Monday, 20 October 2003 at 2:30 pm
in the Chamber of the Legislative Council Building
Revised agenda
I. | Confirmation of minutes of meeting
(2:30 pm - 2:35 pm)
| LC Paper No. CB(2)86/03-04 (issued vide LC Paper No. CB(2) 87/03-04 on 15 October 2003)
| - | Minutes of meeting on 9 October 2003
II. | Items for discussion at the next meeting
(2:35 pm - 2:40 pm)
| LC Paper No. CB(2)104/03-04(01) (issued on 17 October 2003)
| - | List of outstanding items for discussion
| LC Paper No. CB(2)104/03-04(02) (issued on 17 October 2003)
| - | List of follow-up actions
* III. | Subsidiary legislation on printing of names, emblems and photographs on ballot papers
(2:40 pm - 3:30 pm)
| LC Paper No. CB(2)104/03-04(03) (issued on 17 October 2003)
| - | Extract from the minutes of the Panel meeting on 24 April 2003
| LC Paper No. CB(2)119/03-04(01) (issued on 18 October 2003)
| - | Paper provided by the Administration on "Printing of name, emblem and photograph on ballot paper (Legislative Council) Regulation"
IV. | Way forward for review of constitutional development after 2007 and proposed items for discussion by the Panel in the 2003-04 session
(3:30 pm - 4:25 pm)
| LC Paper No. CB(2)104/03-04(04) (issued on 17 October 2003)(Chinese version only)
| - | Extract from the Hansard relating to LegCo question on "Timetable for review on political system" raised by Dr Hon YEUNG Sum at the Council meeting on 8 October 2003
| LC Paper No. CB(2)119/03-04(02) (issued on 18 October 2003)
| - | Paper provided by the Administration on "Review and Public Consultation on Constitutional Development after 2007"
| LC Paper No. CB(2)124/03-04(01) (issued by fax on 17 October 2003)(Chinese version only)
| - | To be raised by Hon Emily LAU
V. | Any other business
(4:25 pm - 4:30 pm)
* All other LegCo Members are invited to attend the meeting for discussion of item III.
Council Business Division 2
Legislative Council Secretariat
20 October 2003