Issues relating to the Chief Executive
Year 2003 - 2004
Year 2002 - 2003
- Submission from Causeway Bay Association Limited on "Review of the method for selection the Chief Executive under the Basic Law" (Chinese version only) [CB(2)2467/02-03(23)] (16 June 2003)
- Submission from Central & Western District Liaison Group, Wanchai District Liaison Group and Hong Kong East District Liaison Group of The Chinese General Chamber of Commerce on "Review of the method for selection the Chief Executive under the Basic Law" (Chinese version only) [CB(2)2467/02-03(09)] (16 June 2003)
- Submission from China Universities Alumni (H.K.) Association on "Review of the method for selection the Chief Executive under the Basic Law" (Chinese version only) [CB(2)2489/02-03(06)] (16 June 2003)
- Submission from Department of Public and Social Administration City University of Hong Kong on "Review of the method for selection the Chief Executive under the Basic Law" (Chinese version only) [CB(2)2489/02-03(02)] (16 June 2003)
- Submission from Department of Public and Social Administration City University of Hong Kong on "Review of the method for selection the Chief Executive under the Basic Law" (Chinese version only) [CB(2)2489/02-03(01)] (16 June 2003)
- Submission from Federation of Associations on "Review of the method for selection the Chief Executive under the Basic Law" (Chinese version only) [CB(2)2467/02-03(25)] (16 June 2003)
- Submission from Federation of Hong Kong Chiu Chow Community Organizations on "Review of the method for selection the Chief Executive under the Basic Law" (Chinese version only) [CB(2)2467/02-03(20)] (16 June 2003)
- Submission from Federation of Hong Kong Guangdong Community Organisations Ltd on "Review of the method for selection the Chief Executive under the Basic Law" (Chinese version only) [CB(2)2467/02-03(18)] (16 June 2003)
- Submission from Hong Kong Baptist University Student's Union on "Review of the method for selection the Chief Executive under the Basic Law" (Chinese version only) [CB(2)2467/02-03(03)] (16 June 2003)
- Submission from Hong Kong Federation of Fujian Associations on "Review of the method for selection the Chief Executive under the Basic Law" (Chinese version only) [CB(2)2467/02-03(19)] (16 June 2003)
- Submission from Hong Kong Federation of Students on "Review of the method for selection the Chief Executive under the Basic Law" (Chinese version only) [CB(2)2489/02-03(05)] (16 June 2003)
- Submission from Hong Kong New Generation Cultural Association on "Review of the method for selection the Chief Executive under the Basic Law" (Chinese version only) [CB(2)2489/02-03(10)] (16 June 2003)
- Submission from Hong Kong New Generation Cultural Association on "Review of the method for selection the Chief Executive under the Basic Law" (Chinese version only) [CB(2)2467/02-03(14)] (16 June 2003)
- Submission from Hong Kong Political, Economic and Cultural Society on "Review of the method for selection the Chief Executive under the Basic Law" (Chinese version only) [CB(2)2467/02-03(13)] (16 June 2003)
- Submission from Hong Kong Profession Teachers' Union on "Review of the method for selection the Chief Executive under the Basic Law" (Chinese version only) [CB(2)2489/02-03(08)] (16 June 2003)
- Submission from Hong Kong Tin Shui Wai Women Association on "Review of the method for selection the Chief Executive under the Basic Law" (Chinese version only) [CB(2)2467/02-03(24)] (16 June 2003)
- Submission from Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Student's Union on "Review of the method for selection the Chief Executive under the Basic Law" (Chinese version only) [CB(2)2489/02-03(03)] (16 June 2003)
- Submission from Kowloon East District Liaison Group, Yaumati-Tsimshatsui-Mangkok District Liaison Group and Shumshuipo District Liaison Group of The Chinese General Chamber of Commerce on "Review of the method for selection the Chief Executive under the Basic Law" (Chinese version only) [CB(2)2467/02-03(08)] (16 June 2003)
- Submission from Kowloon General Association of Owners & Tenants on "Review of the method for selection the Chief Executive under the Basic Law" (Chinese version only) [CB(2)2467/02-03(28)] (16 June 2003)
- Submission from New Territories Association of Societies on "Review of the method for selection the Chief Executive under the Basic Law" (Chinese version only) [CB(2)2467/02-03(17)] (16 June 2003)
- Submission from Tai Po Tertiary Student Association on "Review of the method for selection the Chief Executive under the Basic Law" (Chinese version only) [CB(2)2467/02-03(04)] (16 June 2003)
- Submission from The Association of Hong Kong Health Care Professionals on "Review of the method for selection the Chief Executive under the Basic Law" (Chinese version only) [CB(2)2467/02-03(16)] (16 June 2003)
- Submission from The Chinese General Chamber of Commerce on "Review of the method for selection the Chief Executive under the Basic Law" (Chinese version only) [CB(2)2467/02-03(07)] (16 June 2003)
- Submission from The Chinese Manufacturers' Association of Hong Kong on "Review of the method for selection the Chief Executive under the Basic Law" (Chinese version only) [CB(2)2489/02-03(09)] (16 June 2003)
- Submission from The Democratic Party on "Review of the method for selection the Chief Executive under the Basic Law" (Chinese version only) [CB(2)2467/02-03(05)] (16 June 2003)
- Submission from The Frontier on "Review of the method for selection the Chief Executive under the Basic Law" (Chinese version only) [CB(2)2489/02-03(07)] (16 June 2003)
- Submission from The Hong Kong Chinese Enterprises Association on "Review of the method for selection the Chief Executive under the Basic Law" (Chinese version only) [CB(2)2467/02-03(10)] (16 June 2003)
- Submission from The Hong Kong Island Federation on "Review of the method for selection the Chief Executive under the Basic Law" (Chinese version only) [CB(2)2467/02-03(26)] (16 June 2003)
- Submission from The Hong Kong Progressive Alliance on "Review of the method for selection the Chief Executive under the Basic Law" (Chinese version only) [CB(2)2467/02-03(06)] (16 June 2003)
- Submission from The Nam An (Hong Kong) Association on "Review of the method for selection the Chief Executive under the Basic Law" (Chinese version only) [CB(2)2467/02-03(27)] (16 June 2003)
- Submission from The Prose Poem Society of Hong Kong on "Review of the method for selection the Chief Executive under the Basic Law" (Chinese version only) [CB(2)2467/02-03(29)] (16 June 2003)
- Submission from The Student Union of The Chinese University of Hong Kong on "Review of the method for selection the Chief Executive under the Basic Law" (Chinese version only) [CB(2)2489/02-03(04)] (16 June 2003)
- Submission from Webb-site. com on "Review of the method for selection the Chief Executive under the Basic Law" (English version only) [CB(2)3031/02-03(01)] (16 June 2003)
- Submission from Webb-site. com on "Review of the method for selection the Chief Executive under the Basic Law" [CB(2)2467/02-03(11)] (16 June 2003)
- Submission from YUA Current Affairs Society on "Review of the method for selection the Chief Executive under the Basic Law" (Chinese version only) [CB(2)2467/02-03(15)] (16 June 2003)
- Submission from 長沙灣及元州居民協會 on "Review of the method for selection the Chief Executive under the Basic Law" (Chinese version only) [CB(2)2467/02-03(22)] (16 June 2003)
- Submission from 基督徒關注選舉聯席 on "Review of the method for selection the Chief Executive under the Basic Law" (Chinese version only) [CB(2)2467/02-03(12)] (16 June 2003)
- Submission from 葵涌南居民聯會 on "Review of the method for selection the Chief Executive under the Basic Law" (Chinese version only) [CB(2)2467/02-03(21)] (16 June 2003)
- Written submission from interested orgainsations/individuals [CB(2)2638/02-03 (01) - (09)] (16 June 2003)
- Written submission from interested orgainsations/individuals [CB(2)2489/02-03 (11) - (32)] (16 June 2003)
- Written submission from interested orgainsations/individuals [CB(2)2466/02-03 (01) - (65)] (16 June 2003)
- Written submission from interested orgainsations/individuals [CB(2)2400/02-03 (01) - (241)] (16 June 2003)
Year 2001 - 2002
- Supplementary information on "Post-Office Restrictions on Activities of Government Officials in the People's Republic of China" (Chinese version only) [CB(2)1494/01-02(01)] (18 April 2002)
- Administration's paper on arrangements applicable to Heads of Governments after stepping down from office [CB(2)2042/00-01(04)] (18 March 2002, 18 February 2002, 17 and 9 July 2001)
- Research Report on "Process of Appointment of Senior Members of Government in Selected Countries" [RP05/01-02] (18 March 2002)
- Research Report on "Restrictions on Activities of Former Heads of Government and Former Senior Members of Government" [CB(2)887/01-02] (18 March 2002, 18 February 2002 and 21 January 2002)
- Supplementary information on Research Report on "Restrictions on Activities of Former Heads of Government and Former Senior Members of Government [CB(2)1081/01-02(04)] (18 March 2002 and 18 February 2002)
- Submission from Mr Wilson WONG, Assistant Professor, Department of Government and Public Administration, The Chinese University of Hong Kong [CB(2)1081/01-02(02)] (18 February 2002)
- Submission from Professor Frank FU,Dean of Faculty of Social Sciences, Hong Kong Baptist University [CB(2)1081/01-02(03)] (18 February 2002)
- Submission from Professor Kam C WONG, Department of Government and Public Administration, The Chinese University of Hong Kong on "Restrictions on Activities of Former Heads of Government and Senior Members of Government" [CB(2)1186/01-02(01)] (18 February 2002)
- Administration's paper on "Application of Bribery Prevention Provisions to the Chief Executive" [CB(2)921/01-02(05)] (21 January 2002)
- Background paper on "Application of certain provisions of Prevention of Bribery Ordinance to the Chief Executive" prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat [CB(2)921/01-02(04)] (21 January 2002)
- Draft research outline on "Process of Appointment of Senior Members of Government in Selected Countries" [CB(2)921/01-02(02)] (21 January 2002)
- Administration's discussion paper on "Election Expense Limit for the Chief Executive Election" [CB(2)177/01-02(01)] (30 October 2001)
- The declared election expenses by candidates of the LegCo Election Committee election held in 2000 (English version only) [CB(2)300/01-02(04)] (30 October 2001)
- The declared election expenses by candidates of the LegCo Election Committee election held in 1998 (English version only) [CB(2)300/01-02(03)] (30 October 2001)
- The declared election expenses by candidates of the LegCo Geographical Constituency election held in 2000 (English version only) [CB(2)300/01-02(02)] (30 October 2001)
- The declared election expenses by candidates of the LegCo Geographical Constituency election held in 1998 (English version only) [CB(2)300/01-02(01)] (30 October 2001)
Year 2000 - 2001