Tertiary education and university administration
Year 2003 - 2004
Year 2002 - 2003
Year 2001 - 2002
- Specific questions raised by deputations and individuals at the meeting held on 7 May 2002 for the University Grants Committee/the Administration to respond [CB(2)1937/01-02(01)] (13 May 2002)
- University Grants Committee's response on the proposal on Phase 7 Development of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University [CB(2)2159/01-02(01)] (13 May 2002)
- Submission of Dr WONG Hung, a lecturer of the Division of Social Studies, City University of Hong Kong on the Report entitled "Higher Education in Hong Kong" (Chinese version only) [CB(2)1836/01-02(02)] (7 May 2002)
- Submission of Mr Ivan CHOY Chi-keung, a lecturer of the Division of Social Studies, City University of Hong Kong on the Report entitled "Higher Education in Hong Kong" (Chinese version only) [CB(2)1858/01-02(01)] (7 May 2002)
- Submission of Mr Stephen LIU, JP, a member of the Wanchai District Council on the Report entitled "Higher Education in Hong Kong" (Chinese version only) [CB(2)1802/01-02(04)] (7 May 2002)
- Submission of Mr YEUNG Wai-sing, a member of the Eastern District Council on the Report entitled "Higher Education in Hong Kong" (Chinese version only) [CB(2)1802/01-02(03)] (7 May 2002)
- Submission of the City University of Hong Kong Staff Association on the Report entitled "Higher Education in Hong Kong" (English version only) [CB(2)1820/01-02(02)] (7 May 2002)
- Submission of the Federation of Hong Kong Higher Education Staff Associations on the Report entitled "Higher Education in Hong Kong" (Chinese version only) [CB(2)1858/01-02(02)] (7 May 2002)
- Submission of the Hong Kong Federation of Education Workers on the Report entitled "Higher Education in Hong Kong" (Chinese version only) [CB(2)1836/01-02(04)] (7 May 2002)
- Submission of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University Staff Association on the Report entitled "Higher Education in Hong Kong" (English version only) [CB(2)1836/01-02(01)] (7 May 2002)
- Submission of the Hong Kong Professional Teachers' Union on the Report entitled "Higher Education in Hong Kong" (Chinese version only) [CB(2)1836/01-02(03)] (7 May 2002)
- Submission of the Hong Kong Tertiary Education Action Group on the Report entitled "Higher Education in Hong Kong" [CB(2)1836/01-02(05)] (7 May 2002)
- Submission of the Hong Kong Youth and Tertiary Students Association on the Report entitled "Higher Education in Hong Kong" (Chinese version only) [CB(2)1802/01-02(02)] (7 May 2002)
- Submission of the Lingnan University on the Report entitled "Higher Education in Hong Kong" [CB(2)1820/01-02(01)] (7 May 2002)
- Submission of the Non-Academic Staff Association, the University of Hong Kong on the Report entitled "Higher Education in Hong Kong" (Chinese version only) [CB(2)1802/01-02(01)] (7 May 2002)
- An outline of the reappointment and appeal procedures for academic staff at CityU (Chinese version only) [CB(2)1460/01-02(01B)] (2 April 2002)
- Explanation on the matter relating to non-renewal of contract of teaching staff in the School of Law, CityU (Chinese version only) [CB(2)1460/01-02(01A)] (2 April 2002)
- Further submission of the Federation of Hong Kong Higher Education Staff Associations on "The City University of Hong Kong : Review and appeal mechanism for non-renewal of contract" (English version only) [CB(2)1500/01-02(01)] (2 April 2002)
- Joint declaration from the Concern Group of the City University Law School, Federation of Hong Kong Higher Education Staff Associations and the Hong Kong Tertiary Education Action Group (Chinese version only) [CB(2)1436/01-02(01)] (2 April 2002)
- Letter of 17 April 2002 from the Secretary-General of the University Grants Committee on the setting up of an independent committee decided by the Council of the City University of Hong Kong [CB(2)1642/01-02(01)] (2 April 2002)
- Letter of 27 March 2002 from the President of the City University of Hong Kong (CityU) to the Chairman of the Panel on Education (English version only) [CB(2)1460/01-02(01)] (2 April 2002)
- Press release issued by the City University of Hong Kong on 21 March 2002 [CB(2)1460/01-02(02)] (2 April 2002)
- Report of the Appeal Committee appointed by CityU to consider appeals lodged by seven teaching staff in its School of Law [CB(2)1460/01-02(01C)] (2 April 2002)
- Some misunderstandings and facts relating to non-renewal of contract of teaching staff in the School of Law, CityU (Chinese version only) [CB(2)1460/01-02(01D)] (2 April 2002)
- Submission of the Federation of Hong Kong Higher Education Staff Associations on "The City University of Hong Kong : Review and appeal mechanism for non-renewal of contract" [CB(2)1460/01-02(05)] (2 April 2002)
- Submission of the Hong Kong Professional Teachers' Union on "The City University of Hong Kong : Review and appeal mechanism for non-renewal of contract" (Chinese version only) [CB(2)1484/01-02(01)] (2 April 2002)
- Submission of the Hong Kong Tertiary Education Action Group on "The City University of Hong Kong : Review and appeal mechanism for non-renewal of contract" (Chinese version only) [CB(2)1460/01-02(04)] (2 April 2002)
- The University Grants Committee's response to the points raised by members at the meeting on 18 March 2002 [CB(2)1460/01-02(03)] (2 April 2002)
- Administration's paper on "The administration of the University Grants Committee-funded tertiary institutions" [CB(2)1333/01-02(06)] (18 March 2002)
- Submission of the Academic Staff Association, the University of Hong Kong on "Supervision of the administration of University Grants Committee-funded (UGC-funded) tertiary education institutions" (Chinese version only) [CB(2)1333/01-02(02)] (18 March 2002)
- Submission of the Association of Lecturers at the Hong Kong Institute of Education on "Supervision of the administration of UGC-funded tertiary education institutions" [CB(2)1333/01-02(05)] (18 March 2002)
- Submission of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University Staff Association on "Supervision of the administration of UGC-funded tertiary education institutions" [CB(2)1347/01-02(01)] (18 March 2002)
- Submission of the Hong Kong Professional Teachers' Union on "Supervision of the administration of UGC-funded tertiary education institutions" (Chinese version only) [CB(2)1361/01-02(02)] (18 March 2002)
- Submission of the Non-Academic Staff Association, the University of Hong Kong on "Supervision of the administration of UGC-funded tertiary education institutions" (Chinese version only) [CB(2)1361/01-02(01)] (18 March 2002)
- Administration's paper on "Supporting the Student Exchange Programmes and Scholarship Scheme for Mainland students of University Grants Committee-funded institutions" [CB(2)1195/01-02(04)] (1 March 2002)
- Letter of 6 November 2001 from Council Chairman of the Hong Kong Institute of Education to the Panel Chairman in response to members' concerns at the meeting held on 22 October 2001 [CB(2)330/01-02(01)] (22 October 2001)
- Statistics of staff surplus and shortage at the Institute and further information on the appeal mechanism of the Management-Initiated Retirement Scheme provided by the Hong Kong Institute of Education (English version only) [CB(2)612/01-02(01)] (22 October 2001)
- Submission of Anti-MIRS Committee [CB(2)132/01-02(02)] (22 October 2001)
- Submission of Association of Lecturers of the Hong Kong Institute of Education [CB(2)126/01-02(01)] (22 October 2001)
- Further submission of Council of the Hong Kong Institute of Education [CB(2)132/01-02(01)] (22 October 2001)
- Submission of Council of the Hong Kong Institute of Education [CB(2)102/01-02(01)] (22 October 2001)
- Submission of Education Convergence (Chinese version only) [CB(2)132/01-02(03)] (22 October 2001)
- Submission of elected staff representatives of the Hong Kong Institute of Education [CB(2)126/01-02(02)] (22 October 2001)
- Submission of Federation of Hong Kong Higher Education Staff Associations [CB(2)102/01-02(02)] (22 October 2001)
- Submission of Hong Kong Federation of Education Workers Limited (Chinese version only) [CB(2)137/01-02(01)] (22 October 2001)
- Submission of Hong Kong Professional Teachers' Union (Chinese version only) [CB(2)129/01-02(01)] (22 October 2001)
Year 2000 - 2001