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Year 2003 - 2004
Year 2002 - 2003
Year 2001 - 2002
Year 2000 - 2001
Competition policy
Year 2003 - 2004
Consumer Council's Report on Wet Markets Vs Supermarkets : Competition in The Retailing Sector
[CB(1)1017/03-04(03)] (23 February 2004)
Submission from the Consumer Council
[CB(1)1043/03-04(01)] (23 February 2004)
Supplementary information provided by the Administration on commission an independent survey by tertiary institutions among supermarket suppliers
[CB(1)2400/03-04(01)] (23 February 2004)
Guidelines to maintain a competitive environment and define and tackle anti-competitive practices : private sector participation
[CB(1)346/03-04(04)] (24 November 2003)
Guidelines to maintain a competitive environment and define and tackle anti-competitive practices promulgated by the Competition Policy Advisory Group
[CB(1)2497/02-03(01)] (24 and 3 November 2003)
Year 2002 - 2003
Change of shareholder of Citybus Limited's holding company
[CB(1)2073/02-03(01)] (27 June 2003)
Year 2001 - 2002
Competition Policy Advisory Group Report 2000-2001 provided by the Administration [CB(1)1848/00-01(01)] (26 November 2001 and 29 October 2001)
Review of Retail Payment Services in Hong Kong
[CB(1)718/01-02(01)] (26 November 2001)
The Consumer Council's submission on the Securities and Futures Bill
[CB(1)718/01-02(02)] (26 November 2001)
Year 2000 - 2001
Price increase of newspapers
[CB(1)221/00-01] (27 November 2000)
Work of the Competition Policy Advisory Group
[CB(1)206/00-01(04)] (27 November 2000)