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Year 2003 - 2004
Year 2002 - 2003
Year 2001 - 2002
Year 2000 - 2001
Scheme of Control Agreements
Year 2003 - 2004
PowerPoint presentation material on "2003 Interim review of the Scheme of Control Agreements with the two power companies" provided by the Administration
[CB(1)418/03-04(01)] (24 November 2003)
Scheme of control greements with the power companies 2003 interim review
[CB(1)346/03-04(03)] (24 November 2003)
Year 2002 - 2003
Interim Review of the Scheme of Control Agreements in 2003
[CB(1)478/02-03(03)] (10 December 2002)
Year 2001 - 2002
Implementation of demand side management programmes
[CB(1)1021/01-02(01)] ( 21 December 2001)
Year 2000 - 2001
The Hongkong Electric Company Limited Commissioning of the first 300MW Gas Combined Cycle Unit (L9) at the Lamma Extension in 2004
[CB(1)1788/00-01(01)] (17 July 2001)