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Year 2003 - 2004
Year 2002 - 2003
Year 2001 - 2002
Year 2000 - 2001
Economic Development Issues
Year 2003 - 2004
Transfer of Certain Statutory Powers and Functions of the Chief Secretary for Administration and the Financial Secretary to the Secretary for Economic Development and Labour
[CB(1)1981/03-04(01)] (31 May 2004)
Transfer Of Certain Statutory Powers And Functions Of The Chief Secretary For Administration And The Financial Secretary To The Secretary For Economic Development And Labour
[CB(1)1302/03-04(04)] (31 and 24 May 2004, 26 April 2004)
Policy Initiatives of Economic Development and Labour Bureau
[CB(1)742/03-04(03)] (15 January 2004)
Year 2002 - 2003
Briefing by the Secretary for Economic Development and Labour on issues relating to economic infrastructure
[CB(1)104/02-03(03)] (28 October 2002)
Year 2001 - 2002
Economic Development Issues : Work Priorities
[CB(1)2336/01-02(01)] (29 July 2002)
Year 2000 - 2001
An outline on the legislative programme of Economic Services Bureau (ESB) for 2000-2001 and the organisation of the Bureau
[CB(1)78/00-01(02)] (24 October 2000)