Powerpoint presentation material provided by the Administration on "Reconstruction of Sha Tau Kok, Wong Shek and Ko Lau Wan public piers" (Chinese version only) [CB(1)1645/03-04(02)] (26 April 2004)
Administration's reply dated 28 November 2001 to a previous submission put forward by China-Hong Kong Transport Joint Committee on 20 November 2001 (Chinese version only) [CB(1)612/01-02(04)] (18 December 2001)
Submission from the Hong Kong Container Tractor Owner Association Limited on Mid-stream fees (Chinese version only) [CB(1)1583/00-01(01)] (18 June 2001)
Submission from the Hong Kong Mid-stream Operators Association on Mid-stream fees (Chinese version only) [CB(1)1583/00-01(02)] (18 June 2001)
Further submission provided by Hong Kong Textiles and Garments Seven Associations on Mid-stream fee and related issues (Chinese version only) [CB(1)986/00-01] (26 March 2001)
Joint statement from Hong Kong Business Community Joint Conference on Mid-stream fee and related issues (Chinese version only) [CB(1)900/00-01(02)] (26 March 2001)
Letter from Hong Kong Business Community Joint Conference on Mid-stream fee and related issues (Chinese version only) [CB(1)881/00-01(05) (26 March 2001)
Submission provided by The China Hong Kong Transportation Joint Conference on container handling charges (Chinese version only) [CB(1)680/00-01] (26 February 2001)
A position statement provided by the Hong Kong Mid-stream Operators Association on container handling charges (Chinese version only) [CB(1)564/00-01(01)] (13 February 2001)
A statement provided by 14 Kwai Tsing District Council members on container handling charges (Chinese version only) [CB(1)564/00-01(02)] (13 February 2001)