Speaking note of Mr Frederick MA, Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury on up-date on the progress of the Corporate Governance Action Plan(Chinese version only) [CB(1)293/03-04(01)] (6 November 2003)
Statement by Mr Paul CHOW, Chief Executive, Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited on up-date on the progress of the Corporate Governance Action Plan(Chinese version only) [CB(1)293/03-04(03)] (6 November 2003)
Submission dated 31 March 2003 from the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Industry Staff Union (Chinese version only) [CB(1)1421/02-03(02)] (7 April 2003)
Speaking note of the Executive Vice President (Listing, Regulation and Risk Management) of the Hong Kong Exchange and Clearing Limited----Initiatives to strengthen Hong Kong's Corporate governance regime (Chinese version only) [CB(1)1330/01-02(02)] (14 March 2002)
Speaking note of the President of the Hong Kong Society of Accountants----Initiatives to strengthen Hong Kong's Corporate governance regime (Chinese version only) [CB(1)1330/01-02(04)] (14 March 2002)