Panel on Home Affairs

Meeting on
Friday, 28 November 2003 at 8:30 am
in the Chamber of the Legislative Council Building


I.Confirmation of minutes
(8:30 am - 8:35 am)

LC Paper No. CB(2)165/03-04

-Minutes of meeting on 9 October 2003

II.Information paper(s) issued since the last meeting
(8:35 am - 8:40 am)

LC Paper No. CB(2)83/03-04(01)

-Letter of 10 October 2003 from the Administration on public fund-raising activities for non-charitable purposes

LC Paper No. CB(2)155/03-04(01)

-Dates of hearings to be conducted by the relevant United Nations Treaty Monitoring Bodies to discuss (a) the Second Report of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) of the People's Republic of China in the light of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and (b) the Report of the HKSAR under the Convention on the Rights of the Child provided by the Administration

LC Paper No. CB(2)178/03-04(01)

-Supplementary information provided by the Administration on the new administrative structure for sports development

LC Paper No. CB(2)351/03-04(01)

-Information paper on "Declaration of the Morrison Building as a Monument" provided by the Administration

LC Paper No. CB(2)468/03-04(01)

-Information paper on "Visit of the delegation of China's first manned space mission to Hong Kong " provided by the Administration

III.Items for discussion at the next meeting
(8:40 am - 8:45 am)

Appendix I to LC Paper No. CB(2)447/03-04

-List of outstanding items for discussion

Appendix II to LC Paper No. CB(2)447/03-04

-List of follow-up actions

*IV.Remuneration package for District Council members of the Second Term District Councils (2004-07)
(8:45 am - 9:35 am)

LC Paper No. CB(2)447/03-04(01)

-Paper provided by the Administration

#V.Proposed amendments to the Building Management Ordinance
(9:35 am - 10:25 pm)

LC Paper No. CB(2)430/03-04(01)

-Result on the consultation on proposed amendments to the Building Management Ordinance (Cap. 344) provided by the Administration

LC Paper No. CB(2)422/03-04

-Report of the Subcommittee on review of the Building Management Ordinance

LC Paper No. CB(2)469/03-04(01)

-Submission from Preparatory Committee for Setting up Owners' Corporation of Sha Tin Centre

VI.Any other business
(10:25 pm - 10:30 pm)

* All other Hon LegCo Members are invited to join the discussion of this item on a financial proposal.

# All other Hon LegCo Members are invited to join the discussion of this item on a legislative proposal.

Council Business Division 2
Legislative Council Secretariat
27 November 2003