Panel on Home Affairs
Special meeting on
Tuesday, 9 December 2003 at 2:30 pm
in the Chamber of the Legislative Council Building
Revised Agenda
* I. | Way forward in relation to matters arising from previous discussions on issues relating to the appointment and termination of contract of Mr Patrick YU Chung-yin as Director (Operations) by the Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC) and how the Government safeguards the credibility of EOC
(2:30 pm - 4:25 pm)
| LC Paper No. CB(2)392/03-04(01) (English version only)
| - | letter dated 15 November 2003 from Professor Stevenson FUNG Hon-yuen, former EOC member
| LC Paper No. CB(2)392/03-04(02)(Chinese version only)
| - | letter dated 18 November 2003 from Hon Emily LAU Wai-hing
| LC Paper No. CB(2)392/03-04(03)(Chinese version only)
| - | letter dated 19 November 2003 from Hon Albert HO Chun-yan
| LC Paper No. CB(2)574/03-04(01)
| - | minutes of the EOC meeting on 18 September 2003 on the part concerning the case of Mr Patrick YU Chung-yin and a summary of the discussions at the EOC meeting on 18 September 2003 concerning the case of Mr Partick YU Chun-yin
II. | Any other business
(4:25 pm - 4:30 pm)
* All other Hon LegCo Members are invited to join the discussion of this item.
Council Business Division 2
Legislative Council Secretariat
8 December 2003