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Year 2003 - 2004
Year 2002 - 2003
Year 2001 - 2002
Year 2000 - 2001
Gambling issues
Year 2003 - 2004
Codes of Practice for the Conduct of Football Betting and Lotteries
[CB(2)1263/03-04(02)] (13 February 2004)
Administration provided supplementary information on measures to address gambling-related problems and enforcement figures relating to illegal football gambling
[CB(2)1122/03-04(01)] (13 February 2004 and 12 December 2003)
Administration's interim reply on action taken to follow up for extending the time restrictions on advertisements relating to lotteries/football betting
[CB(2)3140/03-04(01)] (12 December 2003)
Paper provided by the Administration on "extension of time restriction for broadcast of betting-related advertisements"
[CB(2)188/04-05(01)] (12 December 2003)
Paper provided by the Administration on "Measures to address gambling-related problems"
[CB(2)633/03-04(01)] (12 December 2003)
Summary of discussion at the meeting between Duty Roster Members and "Hong Kong Gambling Watch" on 3 December 2003 (Chinese version only) [CB(2)633/03-04(02)] (12 December 2003)
Year 2002 - 2003
Administration's paper on "Authorisation of football betting : Betting Duty (Amendment) Bill"
[CB(2)1419/02-03(02)] (14 March 2003)
Administration's paper on "Proposed arrangements for the authorisation and regulation of soccer betting"
[CB(2)815/02-03(01)] (10 January 2003)
Legislative Council Brief on "Authorisation of soccer betting : The way forward" issued by the Home Affairs Bureau
[HAB/CR/1/17/109] (10 January 2003 and 26 November 2002)
Consultation report on "Gambling Review : A Consultation Paper" issued by Home Affairs Bureau
[CB(2)1437/01-02(01)] (26 November 2002 and 12 April 2002)
Legislative Council Brief on "Gambling Review : A Consultation Paper" issued by the Home Affairs Bureau
[S/F(2) to HAB CR 1/17/93 Pt. 2] (26 November 2002 and 28 June 2001)
Year 2001 - 2002
Administration's paper on "Review of licensing conditions under the Gambling Ordinance"
[CB(2)1276/01-02(02)] (12 March 2002)
Year 2000 - 2001
Executive summary of the Report on "A Study of Hong Kong People's Participation in Gambling Activities" provided by the Home Affairs Bureau
Administration's paper on "Proposed amendments to the Gambling Ordinance (Chapter 148)"
[CB(2)207/00-01(05)] (14 November 2000)