Panel on Welfare Services and
Panel on Security
Joint meeting on Friday, 30 April 2004 at 8:30 am
in Conference Room A of the Legislative Council Building
I. | Election of Chairman
(8:30 am - 8:35 am)
II. | Continue discussion on strategy and measures to prevent and tackle family violence
(8:35 am - 10:25 am)
| LC Paper No. CB(2)2131/03-04(01) (issued on 24 April 2004)
| - | An update on strategy and measures to prevent and tackle family violence provided by the Administration
| LC Paper No. CB(2)2131/03-04(02) (issued on 28 April 2004)
| - | Brief report on the Tin Shui Wai family tragedy provided by the Administration
| LC Paper No. CB(2)2131/03-04(03) (issued on 28 April 2004)
| - | Police guidelines for handling family violence and related matters provided by the Administration
| LC Paper Nos. CB(2)2210/03-04(01)
and CB(2)2227/03-04(01)
| - | Papers provided by the Administration
| LC Paper No. CB(2)2210/03-04(02) (attached) (Chinese version only)
| - | Summary of deputations' views/concerns prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat
III. | Any other business
(from 10:25 am onwards)
Council Business Division 2
Legislative Council Secretariat
29 April 2004