Panel on Welfare Services

Special meeting on Thursday, 18 December 2003 at 4:30 pm
in the Chamber of the Legislative Council Building

Residence requirements for Comprehensive Social Security Assistance
and Social Security Allowance


I.Meeting with deputations and the Administration
(4:30 pm - 6:25 pm)

LC Paper No. CB(2)734/03-04(01)

-Paper provided by the Administration

LC Paper No. CB(2)734/03-04(02)
(attached) (Chinese version only)

-Submission from Dr Fernando CHEUNG of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University

LC Paper No. CB(2)734/03-04(03)
(attached) (Chinese version only)

-Submission from the Justice and Peace Commission of the Hong Kong Catholic Diocese

LC Paper No. CB(2)734/03-04(04)
(attached) (Chinese version only)

-Submission from the New Arrival Women League

LC Paper No. CB(2)734/03-04(05)
(attached) (Chinese version only)

-Submission from the Hong Kong Association for the Survivors of Women Abuse (Kwan Fook)

LC Paper No. CB(2)734/03-04(06)
(attached) (Chinese version only)

-Submission from the Mission to New Arrivals Ltd.

LC Paper No. CB(2)734/03-04(07)
(attached) (Chinese version only)

-Submission from the Society for Community Organization

LC Paper No. CB(2)734/03-04(08)
(attached) (Chinese version only)

-Submission from the Concern Group on the Policy on New Immigrants

LC Paper No. CB(2)734/03-04(09)
(attached) (Chinese version only)

-Submission from the Social Concern Group

LC Paper No. CB(2)734/03-04(10)
(attached) (Chinese version only)

-Submission from the Quality Life Advocacy Group

LC Paper No. CB(2)734/03-04(11)
(attached) (Chinese version only)

-Submission from the Alliance Concerning CSSA

LC Paper No. CB(2)734/03-04(12)
(attached) (Chinese version only)

-Submission from Ms Jo LEE Wai-yee of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University

LC Paper No. CB(2)734/03-04(13)
(attached) (Chinese version only)

-Joint submissions from the Non-Government Organisations

LC Paper No. CB(2)734/03-04(14)
(attached) (Chinese version only)

-Submission from the Hong Kong Social Security Society

LC Paper No. CB(2)734/03-04(15)
(attached) (Chinese version only)

-Submission from the Hong Kong Council of Social Service

II.Any other business
(from 6:25 pm onwards)

Council Business Division 2
Legislative Council Secretariat
18 December 2003