bullet Year 2003 - 2004
bullet Year 2002 - 2003
bullet Year 2001 - 2002
bullet Year 2000 - 2001

bullet Papers

Subvention review and welfare funding policies

Year 2003 - 2004

  • Joint submission from the Society for Community Organization and the Hong Kong Elderly Rights League on the efficiency savings (Chinese version only) [CB(2)1609/03-04(05)] (8 March 2004)

  • Submission from Dr Fernando CHEUNG of the Department of Applied Social Sciences of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University on the efficiency savings (Chinese version only) [CB(2)1641/03-04(01)] (8 March 2004)

  • Submission from the Concern Group on the Development of Single Parent Centres on the efficiency savings (Chinese version only) [CB(2)1609/03-04(04)] (8 March 2004)

  • Submission from the Hong Kong Council of Social Service on the efficiency savings [CB(2)1609/03-04(06)] (8 March 2004)

  • The Administration's paper on the efficiency savings [CB(2)1609/03-04(03)] (8 March 2004)

  • A joint letter dated 9 February 2004 from the Hong Kong Council of Social Service, Hong Kong Social Workers Association and Hong Kong Social Workers' General Union on the efficiency savings (Chinese version only) [CB(2)1181/03-04(06)] (9 February 2004)

  • The Administration's paper on the efficiency savings [CB(2)1181/03-04(05)] (9 February 2004)
Year 2002 - 2003

Year 2001 - 2002

Year 2000 - 2001