Panel on Welfare Services

Subcommittee to study issues relating to the
strategy and measures to prevent and tackle family violence

Meeting on Thursday, 24 June 2004 at 4:30 pm
in Conference Room A of the Legislative Council Building


I.Election of Chairman
(4:30 pm - 4:35 pm)

II.Proposed terms of reference and workplan of the Subcommittee
(4:35 pm - 4:45 pm)

LC Paper No. CB(2)2899/03-04(01)

-Proposed terms of reference

III.Meeting with the Administration
(4:45 pm - 6:25 pm)

LC Paper Nos. CB(2)2899/03-04(02) and (03)

-Papers provided by the Administration

(A list of other relevant papers previously issued is in the Appendix)

IV.Any other business
(from 6:25 pm onwards)

Council Business Division 2
Legislative Council Secretariat
23 June 2004


Other relevant papers previously issued

Background information provided by the Legislative Council Secretariat

LC Paper No. CB(2)2210/03-04(02)
(issued on 29.4.2004)(Chinese version only)

-Summary of deputations' views/concerns prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat

LC Paper No. CB(2)2445/03-04(07)
(issued on 21.5.2004)

-Background paper on reforming the law relating to family violence prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat

Papers provided by the Administration

LC Paper No. CB(2)2131/03-04(01)
(issued on 24.4.2004)

-An update on strategy and measures to prevent and tackle family violence provided by the Administration

LC Paper No. CB(2)2131/03-04(02)
(issued on 28.4.2004)

-Brief report on the Tin Shui Wai family tragedy provided by the Administration

LC Paper No. CB(2)2131/03-04(03)
(issued on 28.4.2004)

-Police guidelines for handling family violence and related matters provided by the Administration

LC Paper Nos. CB(2)2210/03-04(01) and CB(2)2227/03-04(01)
(issued on 30.4.2004)

-Papers provided by the Administration

LC Paper No. CB(2)2445/03-04(01)
(issued on 21.5.2004)

-The Administration's paper on the procedural guidelines for handling battered spouse cases (2004)

LC Paper No. CB(2)2445/03-04(02)
(issued on 21.5.2004)

-The Administration's further report on the Tin Shui Wai family tragedy

LC Paper No. CB(2)2445/03-04(03)
(issued on 21.5.2004)

-The Administration's paper on the statistics of marital rape and battered spouse cases after the victims have filed for divorce

LC Paper No. CB(2)2445/03-04(04)
(issued on 21.5.2004)

-The Administration's paper on the allocation of resources of all integrated family service centres and family service centres

LC Paper No. CB(2)2445/03-04(05)
(issued on 22.5.2004)

-The Administration's paper on the review Panel on family services in Tin Shui Wai

LC Paper No. CB(2)2445/03-04(06)
(issued on 22.5.2004)

-Letter from Chairman, Review Panel on Family Services in Tin Shui Wai

Submissions received

LC Paper No. CB(2)2131/03-04(04)
(issued on 23.4.2004)(Chinese version only)

-Submission from Caritas Family Crisis Support Centre

LC Paper No. CB(2)2131/03-04(05)
(issued on 23.4.2004)(Chinese version only)

-Joint submission from the Society for Community Organization and the Concern Group on the Rights Migrant Women

LC Paper No. CB(2)2131/03-04(06)
(issued on 23.4.2004)(Chinese version only)

-Submission from Ms Vera LAM Moon-hing

LC Paper No. CB(2)2131/03-04(07)
(issued on 23.4.2004)(Chinese version only)

-Submission from the International Social Service Hong Kong Branch

LC Paper No. CB(2)2131/03-04(08)
(issued on 23.4.2004)(Chinese version only)

-Submission from the Joint Concern Group on Domestic Violence

LC Paper No. CB(2)2131/03-04(09)
(issued on 24.4.2004)(Chinese version only)

-Submission from the Harmony House

LC Paper No. CB(2)2131/03-04(10)
(issued on 24.4.2004)

-Submission from the Against Child Abuse

LC Paper No. CB(2)2131/03-04(11)
(issued on 24.4.2004)(Chinese version only)

-Submission from Association Concerning Sexual Violence Against Women

LC Paper No. CB(2)2131/03-04(12)
(issued on 24.4.2004)(Chinese version only)

-Submission from the Hong Kong Association for the Survirors of Women Abuse (Kwan Fook)

LC Paper No. CB(2)2131/03-04(13)
(issued on 28.4.2004)(Chinese version only)

-Submission from the Hong Kong Single Parents Association

LC Paper No. CB(2)2131/03-04(14)
(issued on 28.4.2004)(Chinese version only)

-Submission from the Hong Kong Federation of Trade Unions Women Affairs Committee

LC Paper No. CB(2)2131/03-04(15)
(issued on 28.4.2004)(Chinese version only)

-Submission from the Against Family Violence - Family Therapists' Concern Group

LC Paper No. CB(2)2131/03-04(16)
(issued on 24.4.2004)(English version only)

-Submission from the Hong Kong Family Welfare Society

LC Paper No. CB(2)2131/03-04(17)
(issued on 24.4.2004)(Chinese version only)

-Submission from the Hong Kong Council of Social Service

LC Paper No. CB(2)2170/03-04(01)
(issued on 28.4.2004) (Chinese version only)

-Submission from the Hong Kong Social Workers' Association

LC Paper No. CB(2)2170/03-04(02)
(issued on 28.4.2004)(Chinese version only)

-Submission from Mr LUK Chung-hung, Yuen Long District Council member

LC Paper No. CB(2)2248/03-04(01)
(issued on 5.5.2004)(Chinese version only)

-Submission from the Hong Kong Federation of Women's Centres

LC Paper No. CB(2)2338/03-04(01)
(issued on 12.5.2004)(Chinese version only)

-Submission from the Association for the Advancement of Feminism